Special Cargo vs Vehicle Cargo in GTA 5: Which is the better business

CEO Businesses are the most popular businesses in GTA Online. They are most known to feature fast-paced, active businesses which are grindy but reward very well. The 2 main businesses when it comes to CEO businesses are the Special Cargo and Vehicle Cargo businesses. This article compares both the businesses to conclude the better business among them.

Related: CEO Businesses in GTA Online Explained.
Special Cargo vs Vehicle Cargo in GTA 5: Which is the better business:
Special Cargo Business:

The Special Cargo business in GTA 5 is the first-ever business added to GTA 5 Online. It is an active business featured in the Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Update. To do this business, a CEO Office is required from where the player can purchase small, medium or large warehouses. A bigger warehouse is more effective as it can store much more crates at once but also cost more. These warehouses must be filled with cargo using the source cargo missions from the CEO Computer in the CEO Office. This Cargo can then be sold in Bulk to earn a profit through the different sell missions. There is a high risk of a loss due to cargo getting destroyed. Crates can be sourced at 1, 2 or 3 pieces of cargo at a time although a higher number costs more to source.
Vehicle Cargo Business:

The Vehicle Cargo business is the second business to be added to GTA Online. It is an active business featured in the Import-Export Update. This business too requires a CEO Office and a vehicle warehouse to do although there is only a single type of warehouse, unlike the special cargo business. The only reason vehicle warehouses differ in costs is due to the better location. The Vehicle Cargo business requires you to steal vehicles by completing a mission(which is free) and bring the car back to the warehouse where it is boosted and then sold again for a commission. Any damages incurred to the vehicle during transportation must be paid for from the player’s pockets. A standard range car nets a profit of $20000, a mid-range nets a profit of $45000 and a top-range car can reward a commission of up to $80000. The risk, however, is also very high if the car is damaged while sourcing or by other players and even oftentimes, NPCs.

Though both businesses are very profitable and almost impossible to compare, the Vehicle Cargo is the better business among the two. It requires lesser investment and also nets a higher profit per hour while being relatively less grindy than the Special Cargo Business. The Special Cargo business does give higher profit per sale but in the long run, it is the profit earned per hour that is important. Additionally, the Special Cargo business is very grindy and tedious to do without solo, especially when the three crates must be picked and delivered individually. An added advantage with the Vehicle Cargo Business is that the player can also get a chance to drive high-end supercars and hypercars which they may not otherwise own.
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