‘A true champion who will rise above this situation!’ Bernard Tomic backs ‘mentally tough’ Novak Djokovic to come out of the harsh phase even stronger

Bernard Tomic, Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic is known to be one of the toughest athletes on tour. And not just physically, but also mentally! How often do we see him up against an entire crowd booing him, but he still manages to hold himself together and get past the finishing line.
Even before the Australian Open 2022 started, the focus of the entire tennis community was on Novak Djokovic. The Serbian was denied entry into the country, as he had submitted wrong documents for his visa application. After two rounds of court hearings, the decision of Minister of Immigration, Alex Hawke stood and he was deported back to Serbia.
This is surely one of the toughest phases which a player can ever go through. Australian tennis player, Bernard Tomic believes that if there is one player who can come out of this situation even stronger, than it has to be none other than Novak Djokovic. In an interview to Blic, Tomic revealed that he was in constant support of the Serbian throughout the fiasco, and believes the situation could be handled in a better manner.
“I talked to him and told him that I wish him all the best, and that I am very sad because I did not see him at the Australian Open. I was sitting next to his locker in the locker room. I also posted this as a video on my Instagram,” said Tomic.
Bernard Tomic revealed that Novak Djokovic himself thanked him for his support, and wished him luck for the rest of the tournament.
“I have already told the Australian media that Novak should have been taken much better care of while he was there, and that it is unfortunate that he did not get the opportunity to defend the title, as well as to fight for the historic 21st Grand Slam Cup. Novak thanked me for my support and wished me all the best,” he added.
Only one on the Tour who is strong enough to get through this: Bernard Tomic on Novak Djokovic

Bernard Tomic believes Novak Djokovic will rise above the situation, and come out of this phase even stronger. The Australian thinks that if there is one player on tour who can handle the situation, then it is none other than Novak Djokovic.
“The situation in which he found himself is psychologically very difficult. It is hard to believe that this situation happened. It’s unreal! But if someone is sure to come back stronger and if someone has the strength to go through everything, then it’s Nole,” he said.
“You need to be extremely mentally strong. He is probably the only one on the Tour who is strong enough to get through this. I believe that he is a true champion and that he will rise above this situation,” Tomic added.
This entire situation was a very unfortunate incident, which was a result of very poor communication between Tennis Australia, Victorian Government, and the Australian Government. Now, Novak Djokovic will have to make a really tough decision here. All the other three major tournaments are expected to enforce mandatory vaccination for all players, hence, if Novak wants to fight for more slams, then he has to get vaccinated at the earliest.