Martina Navratilova calls Republican Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville ‘a**wipe’ over his controversial decision to hold military promotions 

Martina Navratilova criticized Senator Tommy Tuberville for holding up military promotions for an extended period.

Martina Navratilova calls Republican Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville ‘a**wipe’ over his controversial decision to hold military promotions 

Tommy Tuberville, Martina Navratilova (Images via CNN)

American tennis legend Martina Navratilova rarely lets go of a chance to take a dig at Donald Trump and his Republican allies. While the former World No.1 keeps attacking Trump for different reasons, Navratilova, this time called Republican Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville an a**wipe.

The 67-year-old minced no words as she criticized Tuberville for holding the military promotions. Navratilova questioned the system in place that allows an individual to control the entire process. The former tennis ace said that while Tuberville “stinks” he is not entirely to be blamed for this dictator-like behavior. She instead finds the rules to be the main problem.

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Martina Navratilova shared a clip of a news presenter reading the update about Tuberville continuing to hold promotions in the US Army. She then questioned the system in place calling it stupid.

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What stupid system do we have in the senate when one asswipe named Tuberville controls the whole process???
Martina Navratilova questioned on X.

When a user reminded how Doug Jones was thrown out of the position to accommodate Tommy Tuberville, the tennis legend reckoned it was awful and then went on to call the rules in place the root cause of the problem.

Just awful. Tuberville really stinks , but the rules that make that kind of grandstanding possible- that’s the actual problem IMO

What is Tommy Tuberville’s rationale behind blocking promotions?

Tommy Tuberville has been firm on his stance to not promote military officers in senior positions but why has he been so rigid? Experts like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have claimed that Tuberville has been “blocking the routine promotion of 160 general and flag officers because he objects to women within the military getting access to reproductive care.”

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville (Image via

Meanwhile, it has been reported that while this decision to block promotions stems from Tuberville’s stance on abortion, it is not solely because of the reason stated by Schumer. A news report that claimed to fact-check Schumer’s statement claimed that Tuberville had warned Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about this.

On March 1, after the policy was implemented, Tuberville wrote a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in which he said the policy would "force taxpayers to subsidize abortions by paying for service members or their dependents to travel to obtain the procedure and by granting additional leave for this purpose."
Read the extract of the report.

As the Pentagon went ahead with the policy, Tuberville also “kept his word” and has since kept all military promotions on hold.

In case you missed!