Top 5 best SCAR skins in Garena Free Fire

Top 5 best SCAR skins in Garena Free Fire

The SCAR is a very powerful and reliable assault rife in not only Free Fire, but a lot of shooting games as well. This iconic weapon has a lot of attractive skins in Free Fire. We will take a look at the top 5 best SCAR skins in Free Fire. After all, the real charm of the gun comes out when it has a crazy looking skin on top of it. These skins are not only cool to look at, but offer minor buffs as well such as added accuracy or ammo at the expense of a different stat. The skins are mostly for adding that extra cool look to the weapon and character.

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Here are some TOP 5 Best SCAR skins in Free Fire

Battle Titan SCAR

The Battle Titan SCAR is an awesome looking weapon skin. The weapon has a futuristic and technology like vibe to it with a red laser and silver body, accompanied by some light blue accents. This gun is the stuff of the future, but today. The gun provides the weapon a damage boost as well as a buff to rate of fire. The only downside is that the ammo capacity will reduce.

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The Beast SCAR

The Beast scar is a rare and attractive weapon skin. The weapon is a nice tropical green color with a subtle pattern on it. The gun’s details are similar to the battle titan scar but in this green and yellow colour scheme. This skin gives the SCAR a boost in accuracy and deals double damage per hit. This really makes the SCAR more of a Beast that it already is.

Blood Moon SCAR

If you like the colour red, this weapon is a must have in Free Fire. The gun is mostly red with some pale gold accents on some of it’s parts. There is also a large white skull decal near the stock of the weapon. The gun has a blood red aura around it as well. The skin increases damage output and range at the cost of accuracy.

Cupid SCAR

The Cupid SCAR is the gun to use if you’re a fan of pink. The gun has a pink aura with tiny hearts floating out of it as well. You get additional damage and a large boost to rate of fire while using this skin. Although you lose out on some range when equipping this skin.

Assassin SCAR

The Assassin SCAR is another weapon with a rather futuristic and advanced vibe to it. The skin is silver and black with some neon blue accents. The Skin provides a damage boost as well as a huge accuracy buff at the cost of magazine size. The aura of the weapon has some tiny blue particles floating out of it.

Those were our picks for the top 5 best SCAR skins in Free Fire. So go out there and kit out your scar with the skin you need and get those frags.

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