Tokyo Olympics to go ahead with no overseas spectators allowed – Reports

Tokyo Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics has been already been beset with a plethora of unprecedented occurrences with the COVID-19 pandemic being chief amongst them. With the costs climbing and the Games already being postponed, it is already the most unique Games in history. But finally, it also looks rosy for the organizers as it looks certain that the Games will take place albeit with strict restrictions for athletes and spectators.
Meanwhile, according to reports from the Kyodo news agency, the Japanese government has already made the decision to stage the Games with no overseas spectators allowed due to the widespread concern that the public have expressed about the spread of COVID-19 and the potential risk of allowing overseas spectators. Therefore, no foreign travel to Tokyo for watching the Olympics would be allowed.
Events to take place behind closed doors

The Kyodo news agency quoted officials from the organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympic Games as saying, “The organising committee has decided it is essential to hold the ceremony in the northeastern prefecture of Fukushima behind closed doors, only permitting participants and invitees to take part in the event, to avoid large crowds forming amid the pandemic.”
A final decision on the same is expected to be taken before April. Meanwhile, the President of Tokyo 2020 Seiko Hashimoto said that she would ideally want to take a decision by March 25 before the torch relay begins. Also, the decision on how many Japanese spectators to allow inside the stadium is expected to be taken before May.
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