Top 10 Expensive Cars in GTA 5: Pricing and Details

The GTA franchise has surely seen many expensive cars in GTA 5 and GTA Online combined. What seems striking is that even though these cars are way above line in their price, gamers don’t hesitate to buy these, thanks to some of their exclusive abilities, making them unique and worth the high price. Cars are usually one of the most important things that players spend their money on in GTA Online since they serve a multitude of utility in the game.
GTA 5 and Online is the most rated franchise in the world is because of all the super cool, lightning-fast vehicles that Rockstar keeps adding to the game. Much of the fuss in the online community is reserved for vehicles with appealing looks and impressive acceleration, which contributes to them being some of the most expensive cars in GTA 5. Here is the list of the top 10 most Expensive Cars in GTA 5.

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10 of the Most Expensive Cars in GTA 5
10. Benefactor BR8
Price- $3,400,000.

The Benefactor BR8 (Formula 1 Car) is a Open Wheel Vehicle that can be customized at Los Santos Customs.
9. Grotti Itali RSX
Price- $3,465,000.

The Grotti Itali RSX is a Sports Car featured in GTA Online, added to the game as part of the Cayo Perico heist update. It can be customized at Los Santos Customs.
8.Progen PR4
Price- $3,515,000.

The Progen PR4 (Formula 1 Car) is a Open Wheel Vehicle can be customized at Los Santos Customs.
7. Pegassi Toreador
Price – $3,660,000

The Pegassi Toreador is a Sports Classics Vehicle can be customized at Los Santos Customs.
6. Grotti Vigilante
Pric7 – $3,750,000

The Grotti Vigilante is a Weaponized Super Car that can be purchased in GTA Online from Warstock Cache & Carry. It can be customized at the MOC / Avenger.
5. Coil Rocket Voltic
Price – $3,830,400

The Rocket Voltic is an Electric Super Car that can be stored in the Special Vehicle Warehouse. It can be customized at Los Santos Customs.
4. MTL Cerberus (Arena)
Price – $3,870,300

The MTL Cerberus (Arena) is a Commercial Vehicle featured in GTA Online. It can be customized at the Arena Workshop.
3. Declasse Scramjet
Price – $4,628,400

The Scramjet is a Weaponized Super Car featured in GTA Online, that can be customized at the MOC / Avenger.
2. Imponte Deluxo
Price – $4,721,500

This car can take to the air, hover over the ground, and drive around like a normal car if one wants to as well. If that does not contribute to being one the most expensive cars in GTA 5, none can compete. The Deluxo takes inspiration from the iconic Back to The Future series and the iconic DeLorean DMC-12. It can be stored either in the MOC or a regular Garage in GTA Online.
1. Imponte Ruiner 2000
Price – $5,745,600

The Imponte Ruiner 2000 is a Muscle Car featured in GTA Online, one of the most expensive cars in GTA 5. It was added to the game as part of the Import/Export update on December 13, 2016. The Imponte Ruiner 2000 is quite possibly one of the most exorbitant purchases in GTA Online, right alongside the Luxor Deluxe. The car serves a lot of utility due to its weaponry. Players can customize it at the Los Santos Customs.
Also Read: GTA 5 Update: New Changes and Stunt Races.