Top 5 best agents to pick on Icebox map in VALORANT

Icebox, like other maps in Valorant, is quite unique and needs different sets of abilities to succeed smoothly

Top 5 best agents to pick on Icebox map in VALORANT

Riot Games, with the Valorant Episode 6 Act 3, removed Icebox from the map rotation to make some tweaks to the map. The map was decent and players were quite surprised with this move this map received some changes a few months ago. However, the map is back with Valorant Episode 8 Act 1 with some big changes to B main, mid. They didn’t touch A site a bit and will be the same as earlier.

.Icebox is a basic map with 2 sites and one dedicated mid from where you can transverse to any site. The tube plays a quite big role in this map and provides a new dynamic to the map. In addition to that, the zipline is a unique feature of the map like Teleports in the Bind map. The unique design of the map and sites gives some agents an advantage over others.

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Here are the best agents players can use to stack up wins on the Icebox map in Valorant.

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Best agents to dominate on the Icebox map in Valorant

5. Sage

Sage has been a staple pick on Icebox. She was among the highest-picked agents on this map throughout all leagues. Many team comp also went with Sage in Valorant competitive tournaments on the Icebox map. The pathways to the site on both A and B sites are very narrow. Sage can easily slow down any fast push with her Slow Orbs which gives her enough time to call for backup.

Sage Icebox
Sage (Image via Riot Games)

In addition to that, her wall is also very useful to place in many chokes to just cut off that area. For example, the popular place to utilize her wall is in the Tube or just in mid to prevent any lurk potential. Players can also use the wall at A pipes to hold A site. In addition to that, there are also many spots where you can boost yourself to create advantageous off-angle.

On the Attackers side, Sage’s wall comes very handy while planting spike. At last, her Revive and heal also play a quite vital role, especially in the lower leagues so players can pick her on Icebox.

4. KillJoy

KillJoy is the go-to pick for a sentinel on this map. Her setups are very powerful on this map. A site in particular on Icebox despite looking like a big site, is very compact. Her nanoswarm are very powerful on A site and deal high damage to enemies. They always need to be on their toes to avoid any potential damage. KJ’s nano swarm is the best to clear the many angles.

Killjoy Icebox
KillJoy (Image via Riot Games)

On top of that, her turret is also very annoying to deal with on this map as you can place it at such angles where it is very hard to deal with. It is also a better flank watcher. KJ’s ultimate Lockdown is what makes her must-pick on this map. You can retake the whole site with her ult and make your enemies flush out of the site.

The map is a bit defender-sided map and Sentinels play a vital role for this reason. In addition to her, players can also pick Cypher or the new Deadlock her as they are also viable on this map KJ has an upper hand on Icebox.

3. Sova

When it comes to the initiators, Sova is the perfect one for this Icebox in Valorant. Icebox suits Sova very much as his kit is perfect with respect to the map design. Both sites on Icebox have some rat spots where players camp with shotguns which can catch you off guard. This is where his Owl Drone comes in handy. He can clear corners and gather info with his drone.

Sova Icebox
Sova (Image via Riot Games)

In addition to that, Sova’s Recon Dart also gives big value on this map, especially on the A site as it is an enclosed site. Players can bounce off the dart to different angles and be creative in the way they use Recon Dart to gather info. This thing also helps players to take advantage of his Shock Dart. You can use them to clear some hard-to-clear angles and also during post-plant.

Now coming to his ult, Hunter’s Fury is also very strong to deny any defuse during post-plant. Players can also use Sova’s ult to clear many hard-to-clear angles for a smooth push.

2. Viper

Icebox’s design makes players use agents with non-generic area-blocking abilities and move from generic Controllers such as Brimstone and Omen in Valorant. Thus, Viper shines on this map. Even though Harbor also is viable on this map Viper is way better to pick on this map for multiple reasons. Since the dawn of Valorant, Viper has been used as the Controller-Sentinel hybrid, thanks to her unique ability. She can hold a whole site on her own

Viper Icebox
Viper (Image via Riot Games)

Her Toxin wall is very important on this map as it covers a wide range and cut-off sites to take hold easily. While attacking, it also gives players the advantage to push mid smoothly by cutting off many angles just right. While defending, it comes in handy to cut off the entrance of the site and makes enemies think twice before pushing as it decays enemies who touch the wall.

Now her Poison Orb is also a great tool to prevent pushes and can be placed at entries. Players can be creative to make one-ways. If something is more dangerous than Omen, Brimstone and Astra’s one-way is one by Viper. Poison Orb is also perfect for post-plant situations when combined with her Poison Bite.

1. Raze

Putting Raze over Jett on Icebox in Valorant is somewhat of a hot take. Jett despite receiving a lot of nerfs is still the queen of the duelist class but Raze has a slight advantage over her. Like Jett, Raze can also break into the site with lightning speed and wreak havoc. As mentioned earlier, Icebox somewhat favours Sentinels, thus Raze’s Paintshells are very strong enough to break setups easily.

Raze Icebox
Raze (Image via Riot Games)

In addition to that, her Boom Bot is very strong on this map as it can have many angles and flush out pesky rats holding tight angles. Since the sites are compact, her abilities inflict better damage here. Her ultimate Showstopper is just hard to avoid on this map. Thus she takes the cake over Jett. However, Jett has an advantage on this map when it comes to slipping away easily and utilizing Operator.

This list gives you the perfect comp to run on the Icebox in Valorant. You can obviously use other agents which suit you better. Just because these agents are listed here, doesn’t mean you have to change your main.

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