Top 5 Best AN94 Skins in Free Fire
Free Fire is a battle royale game that lets users choose from a wide array of weapons. Players can choose from many different SMGs, assault rifles, sniper rifles and more. One of the various assault rifles is called the AN94. In this article, we will see which skins for the AN94 are the best. Here are the top 5 best AN94 Skins in Free Fire.
Best AN94 Skins in Free Fire
AN94 Cataclysm
The AN94 cataclysm is a rare and stunning skin for the gun. The gun is black with a lot of bright orange across it. The gun has a bright orange aura that resembles fire or laval and makes for a very attractive look. This skin gives the AN94 a huge damage boost in addition to an increase in accuracy. However these advantages are at the cost of range.
AN94 Carrot Imp Head
This carrot themed weapon is a pretty powerful skin for the AN94. The gun is yellow with some silver and green accents. There isa huge carrot decal on top of the gun. The gun has a yellow aura with small yellow rectangles floating around it. This skin gives the weapon a huge damage boost and adds to the accuracy. It’s demerit however is a drop in magazine size.
AN94 Spikey Spine
The Spikey Spine AN94 is a very cool looking weapon skin. It is mostly purple with some shades of blue and white accents. The gun has an aura with some purple cubes floating around the weapon. This skin greatly improves rate of ifre and range at the cost of magazine size, making it very effective in combat.
AN94 Art of War
The art of war skin of the AN94 is red, white and black in colour with some silver accents across it. This weapon greatly increases rate of fire at the cost of accuracy, making it deadly in close ranges.
AN94 Game Streamer
The AN94 game streamer is a skin that is based off the character Wolfrahh. It is mostly black and yellow and features a wolf’s head graphic on its body. This skin greatly improves the range of the gun at the cost of accuracy. The range of the gun is it’s biggest flaw and this skin improves just that.
That was our list for the top 5 best AN94 skins in Free Fire.
Also Read: Top 5 Best M4A1 Skins in Free Fire
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