Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021

Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021: Riot Games made the tactical shooter called VALORANT which is a 5v5 character-based FPS game where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. This ability-oriented tactical shooter is currently only available for the PC platform and showcases a wide variety of skin line collections, including both Animated, VFX infused, and normal skin lines.

Weapons are separated into two categories, Sidearms and Primary weapons. Sidearms consist of handguns used for close-quarters. Primaries include SMGs and Shotguns that are used for close-quarters, Sniper rifles for long-range, and Rifles and Machine guns to accommodate for both close and long-range. The skin bundles provided by RIOT consist of a mixture of different guns. The article lists the VFX and animation-infused Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles.

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021

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Top 5 Best Skin Bundles

Weapon Skins are arms in VALORANT that have their appearance modified. There are pistols, SMGs, rifles, shotguns, snipers, and heavies, each offering a uniquely different way to play the tactical shooter. They can be bought from the store with Valorant Points or Radianite Points. The animated collections of Vandal mostly are offered in exchange for a generous amount of Valorant points, but it’s definitely worth the purchase.

1. Sentinels Of Light

Price: 8700VP

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles: SOL

The latest bundle is now available in the VALORANT shop and will cost players around 8,700 VP or roughly $83. Players will also be able to purchase individual skins from the bundle for 2,175 VP, except the melee, which costs 4,350 VP. includes skins for the Vandal, Operator, Sheriff, Ares, and melee slot. This contrasts the Ruination skin line, which was for the Phantom, Guardian, Spectre, Ghost, and melee slot. 

2. Reaver Bundle

Price: 7100 VP

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles: Reaver

Coming from as past as the beta version, the Reaver collection, although with a few moderations in finisher and textures, has owned back its place. A popular bundle since the beta was released, Reaver dates back pretty much in the game but the latest introduction of it to the game could not have been better. The Reaver skin is dark, moody, and will send enemies to the underworld. the finisher has changed since the beta version, but still, a hollow underworld spiral can’t get any better!

3. Glitchpop 2.0

Price: 8700 VP

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundle: Glitchpop

Glitchpop 2.0 was probably the most hyped Skin in Valorant ever. This cyber-punk-inspired skin has 4 gorgeous variants and it’s always fun to look at the unicorn in the sky after killing the last enemy and scream “UNICO!!!” Within hours it has become most actively discussed Vandal Skin with awesome looks, VFX effects, and Animation with Finisher.  The skin has a cyberpunk vibe with bright neon hues and industrial detailing.

4. Ruination

Price: 8700 VP

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles: Ruination

The bundle contains five weapon skins, they are for:

  • Melee
  • Phantom
  • Ghost
  • Spectre
  • Guardian

The latest bundle is now available in the VALORANT shop and will cost players around 8,700 VP or roughly $83. Players will also be able to purchase individual skins from the bundle for 2,175 VP, except the melee, which costs 4,350 VP. This contrasts the SOL skin line, which was for the Vandal, Operator, Sheriff, Ares, and melee slot. 

5. Singualrity

Price: 8700 VP

Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles as of August 2021
Top 5 Best Valorant Skin Bundles Singularity

Having released alongside Act 3, the Singularity Bundle with its purple hue and low-key design is a favorite of many. “Singularity exists in a far future, vast in its journey from the beyond. Powerful, abstract, and mysterious. None know where it came from or how it came to be,” explained Riot Games in a press release. This weapon collection will include skins for the Sheriff, Spectre, Ares, Phantom, and Knife.

Also Read: Top 5 Vandal Skins You Should Get | Valorant