Top 5 Tips to Climb up to Radiant in Valorant

Top 5 Tips to Climb up to Radiant in Valorant
Valorant is Riot Games’ 5v5 Competitive shooter that is taking the eSports world by storm, and some Valorant tips to Climb up to Radiant can never hurt. Valorant lets its players pick from a wide range of variety from a roster of 16 unique agents to play in 7 different maps.
Each agent is unique in its own ways and has a range of abilities for players to explore. The gameplay of each individual amalgamed with particular agent traits is what makes the game enjoyable.
5 Tips to Climb up to Radiant
This article is for players who are already in the Diamond and Immortal rank and has some advanced knowledge. Here is an article for beginners. Radiant is the highest rank in Valorant and only the top 500 players in the whole region get this title. Here are Tips to Climb up to Radiant in Valorant.

In higher-ranked lobbies, communication is the key to winning. Even if you do not have a mic or can not use that while playing, you can communicate with teammates in many other ways. If you are not using a mic, let your teammates know that and try to use the in-game chat and comms wheel.
Double Peeking

In Diamond and Immortal lobbies, most of the players have good aim and game sense so the odds of winning a 1v1 is most of the time 50% but you can turn that in 90%+ by just group up with one of your teammate and double peek the angles. Instead of having 1v1, have a 2v1 situation in your favor. Even if you die your teammate can trade you and your team doesn’t end up in a disadvantage.
Post Plant Meta

As we previously mentioned, in Diamond and Immortal lobbies, most of the players have good aim and game sense so it’s always good to have a plan B. Post Plant Meta allows attackers to waste a maximum amount of time in the Post Plant scenarios. Here are the 5 Best Agents for Valorant Post Plant Meta.
Gun Selection

Valorant currently has 17 guns and every gun is strong in some or another way and situation. In the current META, some guns are picked more than others. These guns tend to be so much impactful in various rounds. Here are the Best Guns in Valorant. Every player should be familiar with all the guns in the game but if you have the credits you should really choose these sets of guns in particular situations.
Agent Pool

It can be challenging to master multiple agents and you might feel more comfortable with only one agent but at the end of the day Valorant is a team game and you should think more than just your comfort in a competitive game. Players should try to master at least 3 to 4 agents of different categories so that they can fill up for the team if needed. Here are some META Agents in Valorant to choose from.
Also Read: Top 5 Best Valorant Agents for Haven Map: Agents Who Dominate the META in the Map.