Total Gaming vs Ankush Free Fire: Who has better stats in Free Fire for 2021?

Total Gaming vs Ankush Free Fire: Who has better stats in Free Fire for 2021?

Garena Free Fire is amongst the top contenders for the biggest thing battle royal industry has ever seen. Besides, Free Fire has even produced some of finest and successful content creators. Among them, we have picked two of the most popular content creators of Free Fire. This article we bring forward one of the most sought-after comparisons in the recent times, (Total Gaming vs Ankush Free Fire).

Related: Top 5 Strongest Female Characters in Free Fire for February 2021

Total Gaming(AjjuBhai) Stats 2021

AjjuBhai(Total Gaming) Lifetime Stats

Total Gaming is one of the most illustrious and popular Free Fire content creator. His extraordinary gameplay has been gaining attention for the past few years. Looking at his stats, Total Gaming has featured in 10485 squad matches and came out victorious in 2562 occasions. He has played 1653 duo matches and has over 6000 kills and won 306 of them. He has played 898 solo games and has won 77 of them.

FS Video

Ranked Stats :

  • Matches Played : 632
  • Wins: 80
  • Kills: 2386

Furthermore, he has played 10 solo matches and 17 duo matches but has come out victorious one occasion only in both the modes. Total Gaming’s players ID is 451012596

Ankush Free Fire Stats 2021

Ankush FF Lifetime Stats

AnkushFF, known for his vicious ability to wipe squads single-handedly is a rising content creator in Free Fire. However, it was only in 2020 that he actually came into the spotlight, with his catchy titles and unbelievable gameplay. Looking at his stats, he has played over 22380 squad matches and has won over 9000+ matches with an impressive KD rate as well. At the same, he has played 922 solo matches and won 122 of them. Finally, he has played 3116 squad matches and won 1252 of them.

Ranked Stats:

  • Matches Played: 1480
  • Wins: 1041
  • Kills: 6388

Besides Squad matches, he even played quite a few solos as well duo modes and won 18 games altogether.

His Free Fire UID is 241375963

Comparison- Total Gaming vs Ankush Free Fire

Both Total Gaming and Ankush Free Fire has displayed unbelievable gameplays and squad wipes over the years and both being successful creators as well. Each one they are unique in their own abilities so comparison becomes tough. When we look at Squad mode, Ankush is completely dominating with a higher win percentage, K/D ratio, and kills than Total Gaming. Whereas, in the solo and duo mode matches Total Gaming has a slight edge over Ankush Free Fire.

Note: This article stats are taken until to the date of publishing

Also Read: Garena Free Fire: AS Gaming ID and Stats for February 2021