“In the video, you see him tap and everything,” Bouncer details on the entire bar scuffle that led Dillon Danis’ arrest

It wasn’t long ago when BJJ athlete, Conor McGregor’s coach, and MMA fighter Dillon Danis went behind bars for disorderly conduct at a bar. To keep it short, Danis showed up at the bar without any ID and the security devoiding him an entry for the same made him rebel, leading to getting choked out by the security guard.
Now the security guard, “Chance The Bouncer” is being celebrated all over the internet by Dillon Danis‘ anti-fans. No-Gi grappling legend Gordan Ryan sent free ADCC grappling tournament tickets to the security guard and Chance has also accepted a one-year free training at Tom DeBlass academy.
Here’s what the bouncer Chance had to say on Dillon Danis altercation
Chance explained the entire situation, he said, “I’m like, ‘Sorry, bro, you’re not getting in. I need an ID.’” Chance said. “And then he says, ‘Oh, you don’t know who I am?’ And I was like, ‘Sorry, dude, I don’t know who you are. I need an ID.’ So then he Googles himself and shows me the Google page, and I’m like, ‘That’s not an ID, bro. I need a driver’s license, passport, something so I know how old you are.’ After that, he started getting a little agitated or whatever that I didn’t know who he was and stuff.”
With Danis getting angry at a fellow doorman, Chance circled around Dillon Danis. “That’s when Dillon tried to throw a punch,” he said. “It wasn’t a great punch. He tried throwing a punch, missed it, and that’s when I grabbed him by his neck, pulled him down. Usually, whenever I do that, I’m legitimately choking you out for a second or two until you realize the situation you’re in.”
Finally, Chance narrates the cooldown of the situation, “In the video, you see him tap and everything, and I was like, ‘You all right, man? You good?’ And he gives me like a little thumbs up, so I just bear-hugged him a little bit until the cops got everybody else under control and could give me a hand.” (via a video posted by RT Sport.)
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