UFC Fight Island 8 (Main Event): Michael Chiesa dominates Neil Magny with his superior wrestling to get the victory
Michael Chiesa vs Neil Magny
The main event of UFC Fight Island 8 headlines is the fight between two of the best Welterweights Michael Chiesa and Neil Magny. Chiesa and Magny both entered this fight with three consecutive wins before this fight.
Round 1: Chiesa started the fight with a one-two combination and Magny ties up with him nicely. Chiesa lands a beautiful body kick and Magny threw a straight front kick to the body. Magny looked to carve his way with an inside kick combination and Chiesa shoots a takedown. Chiesa is in half guard now and he applied pressure on the neck of Magny. Chiesa chips with some short punches towards the end of the round and horn sounds.
Round 2: Chiesa started the second round with a mixed punch combination. Magny tried to use his reach advantage and took Chiesa in the clinch. Chiesa gets another takedown and settles up in the guard. Magny attempted a sweep and Chiesa took some hard-hitting. Chiesa is in-ground again and he is in control from the tap, Magny tried to tie him up and the fight remained in the same position and the round ends.
Round 3: Magny took advantage of his striking in the early third round and Chiesa pushed him against the fence. Magny tried to take some striking exchange but Chiesa controlled him very precisely. Chiesa gets up and holds Magny in the rear body lock and tied him up. Chiesa ends up in the mount and he seems to win this round too.
Michael Chiesa imposed his win on Neil Magny to get the decision victory
Round 4: Chiesa used his grappling advantage very nicely in all rounds including this one too. Magny overcommitted with a punch and Chiesa dragged him into the canvas. Magny flips over and Chiesa is again in the mount using his grappling sequence.
Chiesa tried to attempt a triangle choke and Magny slips out from the control and it is one more round of the superior grappling.
Round 5: Magny knows that he needs a finish in this round to win this fight. Chiesa landed a combination and pushed Magny again towards the fence. Chiesa is back on the top again and Magny seems to have no answer for his ground game. Another round ended as a win for Chiesa and he got this one.
Result: Michael Chiesa def Neil Magny via unanimous decision (49-46, 49-46 ,49-46)
Also Read: UFC Fight Island 8: Ike Villanueva knocks out Vinicius Moreira in 2nd round
Shivansh Thakur
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