Joe Rogan stuns guest with story on army vet turned devout Muslim after life-altering Mosque experience
Joe Rogan talks about the man who once wanted to blow up a mosque but later changed his religion to Islam.

Joe Rogan and Richard Mckinney (Image Courtesy: Press and Guide)
Joe Rogan once mentioned during one of his podcasts that he talked with actor John Bernthal about a guy who wanted to blow up a mosque but ended up converting to Islam. Rogan revealed that there was a former Marine who had a lot of hate for Islam and planned to blow up a mosque. According to Rogan, the man then met a Muslim girl and her family, and their interactions totally changed him, and then he himself changed his faith to Islam.
Rogan said: “He was talking about this guy that he interviewed who was going to blow up a mosque. He had hate of Muslims after coming back from overseas from serving. He went there and he met this woman who welcomed him into the mosque and he was still totally intent on blowing her up, blowing everyone up. She invited him over her home for dinner, he was still intent on it. So he gets to know her and this family. Completely change his course, becomes a devoted Muslim.” on his podcast.
The man Joe Rogan was talking about was former Olympic athlete Richard McKinney, who went on the John Bernthal podcast to talk about his story. His story got a lot of attention, with millions of people praising his change of perception.
Who is Richard McKinney that Joe Rogan was discussing?

Richard McKinney, a 25-year veteran of the US Marine Corps, left the organization unhappy and perplexed. He served multiple tours of duty in the Middle East, fought in wars, and believed that all Muslims were his eternal foes. After returning to his wife and daughter in Muncie, Indiana, his feelings towards Islam didn’t change at all. His wife made sure to keep him away from women shopping in the aisles of the neighborhood Target store while they were wearing hijabs because of his toxic hatred towards the religion.
“Living in Muncie, now I was being forced to see people that I considered an enemy every time I went out the door. This is my country, my city. It got to the point where I wanted to do harm,” McKinney said in the Oscar-nominated short film “Stranger at the Gate,” by Joshua Seftel.
Things went out of control when McKinney made a strategy to build an IED (improvised explosive device). On a Friday afternoon in 2009, as worshippers gathered outside the Islamic Centre of Muncie, he had planned to blow up the whole building.
However, a turn of events took place when he met Afghan refugees Bibi Bahrami and her husband Dr. Saber Bahrami. McKinney melted by the kindness of these people and it changed his life. McKinney then visited the mosque frequently, felt at home there, and within eight weeks had decided to abandon his murderous ambitions and convert to Islam. The next two years saw him in that position for the Islamic Centre of Muncie.
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