Fans react to Brendan Schaub’s lengthy response to a Dana White’s one-liner insult aimed at him

Schaub made a lengthy response to Dana's insult at the press conference
Dana White and Brendan Schaub will never let go of this constant urge to one-up each other with sly remarks and sneaky insults. It started when Schaub was on his last legs as a UFC Heavyweight and continues to this day, almost a decade later.
The most recent barb in this saga was thrown by White himself. At a recent press conference, he confused Pat Miletich to be the one who started the conspiracy that the UFC 279 weigh-in blunder was staged, calling the former champion “the biggest idiot” only to calm down when a reporter pointed out that the rumour was started by Schaub.
To this White would apologize to Pat Miletich and simply end the press conference saying, “That makes sense.” Now Brendan jas replied with an extraordinarily long social media post, which is more often than not the case in this rivalry, a simple word from Dana incites a thesis from Brendan.
In this one Schaub mocks Dana’s style of dressing while also calling him a “Low Budget Vince McMahon” among other things. However, lost in the long message was Schaub’s self-awareness as he could be accused and shamed for the very same things he accuses Dana of, including “stealing ideas”
Fans mock Brendan Schaub’s lengthy response to Dana White’s one-liner

Fans were quick to note this and made sure Schaub knew it too as they brutally trolled the former fighter on his response to Dana White.
Here are the best fan reactions to Schaub’s reply to Dana White’s diss.
Also Read: “I’m too much” Schaub was mistaken to spill out Ronda Rousey’s SE*UAL expectations
Here is a past response by Schaub during the early days of their rivalry.