“Fire DC”- Fans ridicule Daniel Cormier after an AWKWARD moment at the UFC Vegas 64 post-fight interview

Daniel Cormier
Daniel Cormier has conducted several iconic interviews in the octagon. He has also been involved in a number of kerfuffles. During UFC Vegas 64, he did the latter as a confusing interaction ensued In a video uploaded by a fan, we see exactly what happened.
At the event, where history was made, the featherweights Shayilan Nuerdanbieke and Darrick Minner clashed. After Sha Yilan finished the fight in the first round, DC entered the octagon for the post-fight interview. He asked Sha Yilan about the fight and his now 3-fight win streak. Sha Yilan with a translator answered DC’s questions.
However, after DC’s questions had concluded, Sha Yilan reached for the mic to say something without his translator. At that moment, DC began pulling away from Sha’s outstretched hand. After Yilan pawed around a couple of times, Daniel leaned in to explain why he couldn’t hand over the mic and Yilan seemed to understand.
Though no one heard exactly what DC said to Yilan, most of us have a pretty good guess. DC probably just wanted to keep the schedule running smoothly and avoid any delays. However, the manner in which he chose to do so made things very awkward at UFC Vegas 64. With fans already breathing down his neck, it will be interesting to see if he addresses this.
Related: “Crackhead like you”- When Cormier shut down Jon Jones by giving a befitting reply
Fans to react to Daniel Cormier taking the mic away from Sha Yilan at UFC Vegas 64

Fans had a field day with the video. Some fans expressed their annoyance at the UFC for not allowing fighters an extra 30 seconds of mic-time and sticking to the schedule in such an unyielding manner, here’s what they said: “I hate how they can’t give fighters an extra 30 seconds to give a shoutout. But they can run the same promo in between fights 3x to fill dead air time.”
On the other hand, some people found this entire fiasco amusing: “DC is ALL business in his interviews. Schedule doesn’t run itself” said one, and another replied: “Yea until islam is the one he’s interviewing lmao”
“Fire DC” said another fan who believed Daniel Cormier was the one to blame for the debacle.