Joe Rogan’s hilarious appearance on the latest Rick and Morty episode will leave every JRE fan in tears

Rogan's animated version was seen on the latest episode of Rick and Morty
It is a testament to the rise in popularity of MMA that Joe Rogan, one of its biggest ambassadors was featured on the hit adult cartoon Rick And Morty. Rogan and his podcast make a brief but pivotal appearance on the latest, sixth episode of season 6, titled Juricksic Mort.
The series deals with a petty, mad scientist Rick, who travels around the multiverse with his grandson and keeps indulging in 4th wall-breaking plots. In this particular episode, a benign species of Dinosaurs have arrived to earth, claiming to have left the planet eons ago after they evolved beyond their own needs.
[SPOILERS AHEAD]These dinos then go on to transform earth into a utopia where work and money is no longer of any use. Out of pettiness of not being the only one playing God, Rick heads out to find dirt on these being where he finds out every planet they visit is ultimately hit by a life-ending asteroid.
As this information goes public, the dinosaurs have to go on an apology tour. Here Rogan and his podcast have a significant appearance and it is a hilarious depiction of the entire vibe we love about the JRE.
Unlike mainstream outlets, Rogan approaches earth’s impending doom with his usual skepticism saying, “I mean no one knows if the meteor species is even real” One of the dinosaurs goes on to correct him saying, “No it’s very real, we all know that”
In classic Rogan fashion he then says, “You know what’s real? A rear naked chokehold! I’ll show you”, causing one of the dinosaurs to exclaim, “What?” in confusion. On closer look, there are a lot of Easter eggs in the cartoon depiction of the studio.
Most noticeably, Rogan can be seen wearing a DMT-Rex T-shirt referencing his deep fascination with the psychedelic. The famous Buddha Statue can also be seen on the table along with a bottle of beer and a can of some CBD-infused drink.
Not Joe Rogan’s first rodeo in the world of Rick and Morty
While many may rightfully think this is Rogan’s debut in the Rick And Morty universe, you are mistaken. Well kind of. Rogan’s podcasts with Elon Musk led to a YouTube channel creating a similar type of series, arguably acting as an inspiration for the TV show’s latest episode.
Flashgitz, an adult cartoon animation channel on YouTube, did a Rick and Morty-themed show of their own with Musk and Rogan taking up the roles of the respective characters. Here Rogan, and Musk go on adventures throughout the multiverse which include destroying Twitter and stealing Pokemons. The series has over 8 million views on YouTube.
The same channel had earlier made a sketch on MMA superstar, Conor McGregor during his prime years of 2016. In the series that boasts nearly 29 million views McGregor is shown to be on a quest to take “All The Belts”