Vince McMahon’s lawyers file response disputing Janel Grant’s claims of physical abuse and trafficking in WWE

The former WWE Chairman has debunked Janel Grant's claims.

Vince McMahon’s lawyers file response disputing Janel Grant’s claims of physical abuse and trafficking in WWE

Vince McMahon (via Wrestling News)

Back in January, former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon, former Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis, and WWE in general. Grant put forth her travails that were brought about by McMahon and his allies, including complaints of s**ual trafficking and physical abuse. In response, the former WWE Chairman has finally lodged a filing comprising a memorandum.

The McMahon-backed lawyers dispute the plaintiff’s salacious and defamatory claims. Grant’s complaint has been termed brazen, and her charges of coercion by Vince are pure fiction, the filing stated. It does add that both McMahon and Janel were tied to a consensual relationship, as opposed to what the plaintiff had sued the 78-year-old for.

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Vince’s lawyers claim that Grant’s father passed away on April 18, 2017, almost a couple of years before the defendant’s first meeting with her. Moreover, his martial status was that of a widow, evincing that Janel’s mother had died even prior.

It contradicts Grant’s citations of meeting with Vince McMahon shortly after she had become an orphan. It’s also mentioned, per the court records, that, in contrast to Janel’s claim of around-the-clock caregiving for her parents, the plaintiff’s father used to live in a senior care home in Connecticut. Moreover, her mother was looked after by Grant’s neighbor.

The plaintiff used to live in the same condominium with her fiance, Brian Goncalves, as the ill-famed ex-WWE executive. Grant used to visit McMahon as early as 2:30 in the morning to pursue their affair, thus quashing any base of coercion.

Janel Grant’s lawyer has fired back at Vince McMahon’s narrative-laden filing

Janel Grant‘s lawyer, Ann Callis, has also responded to Vince McMahon’s denial of accusations levied on him. At first, Callis called McMahon out for once again twisting the plot to fit his shameful narrative. She then affirmed that Grant’s father was in an in-home hospice during his final days.

Ex-WWE Chairman Vince McMahon
Ex-WWE Chairman Vince McMahon [via- WWE]

Before she cared for him until his last breath, Janel used to support her wheelchair-bound mother, added Ann. The plaintiff’s lawyer then said that her client wasn’t dating anyone, as McMahon quoted.

Her ex-boyfriend allowed Janel to stay in the apartment. She then rebuilt her life and was job-deprived. At the end of his filing, Vince requested to settle the issue via arbitration rather than further court trials.

As of now, McMahon has left with a subpar hold of less than 5% of TKO shares. They’re already up for sale. The business tycoon had already abdicated his executive holding in WWE’s parent company owing to the aforementioned allegations.

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