WATCH! Fan crashes into the cage to stop intergender MMA fight, attempts epic leg drop over male fighter

Fan erupts in intergender MMA fight
It’s often rare, but not for the coming future it seems, that we will witness the oftenness of intergender MMA bouts, where a male fighter fights his female counterpart. Often seen mainstreamed in professional wrestling, there have been many instances of intergender competition in athletics and combat sports before. This includes relay races as well as martial arts like kickboxing and grappling as well. For those who don’t know, former UFC featherweight champion Germaine De Randamie once fought a man in her kickboxing career.

Now, on the basis of differences in the anatomy of the male and female body, there has been a hot debate on the legality of such format as physically, male counterparts of a particular sport are much likely to dominate the competition than the female ones. For these reasons, intergender MMA is together is the focal point of such contentious conversations. Regardless and surprisingly, these things happen in a rather consensual way.
Epic Fighting Championship hosts intergender MMA bout between adult film actor and blogger
In a recent scenario involving an intergender MMA fight between Russian musician and adult films entertainer Alexander Pistoletov and plus size vlogger Sasha Mamaha, a fan, who seems to be on Mamaha’s side, tries to jump inside the cage and drop over Pistoletov with an epic leg drop but before that could be executed, the referee tosses the fan away. The fight takes place at Epic Fighting Championship.
The fight is finished by Pistoletov in the third round, but because of the resistance from Mamaha’s corner for some reason, the bout is extended to a fourth-round which goes to the distance in favour of Mamaha. Epic Fighting Championship streams all its events on their Youtube Channel.
What do you make of this bizarre chaos during the fight? What are your thoughts/opinions on intergender sports competitions, especially intergender MMA? Is it fair to have combat sports be legally restricted to get intergender in its format or should the organisations have their independence in allowing consensual participants of opposite sexes to get in the scrap?
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