What are Minecraft Dripleaf and what are its uses?
Find out where to find Dripleaves in Minecraft and how to use them.

Minecraft Dripleaf in Lush Caves
Minecraft introduced the Caves and Cliffs update Part II during the holiday season in 2021. It introduced several new features, and one of the most interesting new features added to the game was the Dripleaf.
The Dripleaf in Minecraft is a unique kind of plant that is divided into the Big Dripleaf and the Small Dripleaf. These plants naturally grow in the Lush Caves biome and can provide a pond like aesthetic wherever they grow. However, it is worth noting that they are not part of any recipes in the game.
Here is all about the Minecraft Dripleaf and its uses in the game.
What is the Minecraft Dripleaf?

The Caves and Cliffs update in Minecraft added several new flora and fauna into the game. Among the various kinds of flora added to the game, Dripleaf is one of the most popular items.
There are two types of Drip Leaf in the game and it changes with growth. These are:
- Small Dripleaf (Stem part below)
- Big Dripleaf (Leaf part at the top)
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They are mainly found in the Lush Caves biome that are supposed to be introduced in the Caves and Cliffs update Part II. These are the new additions and will give the players further options for platforming. Other than natural generation in Lush Caves, they can sometimes be found in the trading section of the Wandering Traders.
Big Dripleaves can be broken using an Axe and smaller ones can be obtained through Shears.
Features of Dripleaves
Small Minecraft Dripleaf are a new plant and they are found in the Lush Caves biome and is the smaller version of the Big dripleaves. They can also be found from trading with Wandering traders. It can be mined with a pair of Shears otherwise they drop nothing.
The Big Drip leaves are the main feature as they can be used for platforming. They can be grown from small dripleaves naturally or by using bone meals.
They grow on the top of a stem like upright vine and have a lily-pad like texture. If someone, stands on the top for 1 second, the Leaf will drip down and drop the player standing on it. However, it will go up once again after a while.
One interesting fact is that players can use Redstone power to not let the Leaves drip but they have to power it directly and not through the stem.
This dropping effect in Minecraft Dripleaf is also observed when a projectile hits it or a frog jumps over it.
Uses of Dripleaf in Minecraft

Although the Dripleaf mainly serves a decorative purpose as it cannot be used for any recipes, it can be used while building parkour structures in Minecraft. Furthermore, the Big Dripleaf can also support the player’s weight for some time, meaning they can use it as blocks to move from one place to the other.
Apart from this, players can also use the Big Dripleaf to access higher structures in the game, as they can increase the height of the Big Dripleaf beyond one block by using Bonemeal on them.
Overall, the Dripleaf was a very interesting addition to the Minecraft universe, and has benefitted players greatly.
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