What are the effects of Razor Claw in Pokemon Unite?

Razor Claw in Pokemon Unite (image via. pockettactics.com)
Items are some small items that can provide big buffs to the Pokemon on the battlegrounds. Here is all about the effects of Razor Claw in Pokemon Unite and how to buy it in-game.
Pokemon Unite is the newest MOBA to arrive on mobile devices and has already provided a fresh take on the usual gameplay from this genre. Likewise, Items are also special in this game and players cannot build them in the game. Players need to set three unique items on the Pokemon before the match starts and they can also be upgraded.
Here is all about the Razor Claw in Pokemon Unite.
Razor Claw in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite is a multiplayer game where players can take Pokemons into a 5v5 battle with items to help them out.
Related: Pokemon Unite Leftovers: Item Overview!
The Razor Claw is a Held Item in Pokemon unite and can give out a attack stat buff to the Pokemon in certain situations. It is especially great on Pokemons like Absol, Lucario, Zeraora and Talonflame.
How to buy the item in the game?

Held Items need to be bought in-game from the Store called the Aeos Emporium. It is available in the Item section of the store, right below the Fashion tab. Players can buy it for 1000 Aeos Coins or for 625 Aeos Tickets.
Both of these currencies are available to be obtained in the game through playing and completing events. These can also get from the Battle Pass but player need to purchase it. The Energy Machine draw can also give out Aeos Tickets and Coins from time to time.
Effects of Razor Claw
The Razor Claw has the following effect as stated in the game:
“After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of (10/15/20) damage. The higher the Pokemon’s Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short while.”
It also gives the Pokemon the following stats at Level 30:
- +15 Attack
- +2.1% Critical-Hit Rate
It can be upgraded from Level 1 till Level 30 using Item Enhancers and it increases its stats in progression.
- Level 1: 10 more damage
- Level 10: 15 more damage
- Level 20: 20 more damage
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