Mick Foley’s biography set to air next week

Mick Foley’s biography set to air next week

Noelle and Mick Foley

WWE has become much bigger than just a wrestling promotion. Every week they produce multiple wrestling shows, in addition to the monthly PPV’s. But this is not all, they also continue to produce several podcasts, series and documentaries, which allow the WWE Universe to get a sneak peek into the lives of their favorite Superstars.

They are currently working with A&E Network, where every week a new episode of their Biography series airs featuring the lives of WWE legends. The most recent episode of Biography revolved around the life of the Ultimate Warrior.

The upcoming episode of Biography will revolve around the life of the man who has been a part of some of the most iconic WWE matches – Mick Foley. As revealed in the teaser – The Undertaker will also be seen during the episode. The duo have been a part of the legendary match that defines the brutality of the Hell in a Cell.


Mick Foley’s daughter was recently diagnosed with hearing disorder

mick foley noelle
Noelle and Mick Foley

Noelle Foley, recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with a rare hearing disorder called Hyperacusis. This means that she has a low tolerance to many everyday sounds. The disorder, as revealed by Foley’s daughter, was a result of a concussion she had suffered in 2019.

Noelle was following her father’s footsteps and pursuing a career in pro-wrestling. Her journey was even documented in WWE Network’s 2016 show – Holy Foley. But she stopped pursuing the career in 2018 following an injury.  

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