“Triple H is a GREAT STORYTELLER” Ciampa talks about his working relations with Vince and HHH

“Triple H is a GREAT STORYTELLER” Ciampa talks about his working relations with Vince and HHH

Ciampa is a great talent and that’s an undeniable fact. The two-time NXT Champion who currently performs on RAW has consistently delivered deserving performances. Ciampa who had aligned himself The Miz from the past few weeks, is now on his trail for the United States Championship after putting a terrific performance on Monday Night Raw defeating Chad Gable, Dolph Ziggler and AJ Styles to earn the shot for the title. This could also indicate a possible push for the superstar who has been waiting for a long time to make it big in the company.

The NXT star has worked under both Vince McMahon and Triple H. He recently revealed the work relationship with both the bosses and tried to draw parallels of what actually sets them apart. While he worked with Vince when he was called up to the main roster, the superstar has a longer history of working under Triple H. Ciampa worked under The Game when he made his debut to NXT in 2015. Triple H was the in charge of “the black and golden era” of the brand and Triple H was the driving force behind the working of the brand that rose to its peak where it started giving competition to brands like SmackDown and Raw.

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Ciampa says WWE under Triple H is moving into a new era

Ciampa with HHH
Ciampa has shared a great working relationship with Triple H as the latter was an important part of forming the black and gold brand.

Ciampa in a recent appearance on “Smash The Mash Podcast” talked about working under Vince McMahon and Triple H. Speaking about Vince McMahon said- “I absolutely adored working under Vince, It’s something that any, any wrestler coming up the way I came up would be lying to you if they said they didn’t want to walk into gorilla and get that big Vince hug — and we had some good conversations. I think that my trajectory with him was going to be really good. I had a lot of faith in it.”

While talking about Triple H he said that he felt that young energy when he works with The Game and both are comfortable with each other as well because Ciampa has relatively spent more time with HHH rather than Vince. He said that he feels like Triple H is a great storyteller and all his shows have a great element of storytelling. He would then cite examples from bookings of Monday Night Raw and would point out the return of Bayley, Dakota Kai, and IYO SKY.

He said that he believes that now the show has proper build up and intensity as well. Ciampa said- “I think [Triple H] is second to none, right now, modern era, 2022 pro wrestling at storytelling, and we saw that Monday with the US Title package and that intertwining.”

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