Legendary AEW superstar believes Vince McMahon is legitimately “pi**ed” at All In’s record-breaking success, talks about his stance on healthy competition

Paul Wight aka The Big Show thinks that Vince McMahon might not be happy with AEW surpassing WWE's all-time attendance record.

Legendary AEW superstar believes Vince McMahon is legitimately “pi**ed” at All In’s record-breaking success, talks about his stance on healthy competition

AEW name says Vince McMahon would be upset over All In's success (via- WrestleTalk)

Everyone’s buzzing about tonight’s AEW All In Show in London. Talking about Vince McMahon, he might not have been that pumped. Of course, the said event has broken WWE’s all-time attendance record, so why would it make McMahon proud? Current AEW coach and part-time in-ring talent Paul Wight has commented on the matter. The former Big Show has worked with Vince for decades.

There are probably not many in the business who could read McMahon’s mind better than Wight. Speaking on Inside the Ropes, Paul said that McMahon would be pi**ed that AEW has overdone WWE in such a big way. However, not turning his chat into a rant, Big Show admitted that Vince might be upset, but not in a bad way. The former WWE Superstar highlighted McMahon’s competitive spirit.

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Paul said that Vince McMahon thrives when he’s stacked against the odds. Also, the WWE Executive Chairman breathes on being the absolute best at what he does, added Big Show. Hence, Paul thinks it’s good that Vince’s disgruntled at something, as it channels the 78-year-old to bring out his best, which would eventually benefit the product.

What’s not good is when McMahon gets bored. Thus, All In breaking the wrestling attendance record is exactly what this industry needs more of. As the fans have already seen, a lack of competition in the market can do damage to the product. Back when there wasn’t anything called AEW, Vince McMahon-led WWE became difficult to watch.

The storylines were getting ridiculous, with near-zero sense attached to them. However, the pressure that AEW has been putting on since their arrival has eventually driven those in WWE to keep their noses ahead of their alleged competition. 

Related: Furious Vince McMahon once tore his both quads on live TV due to the biggest botch in WWE by Dave Bautista and John Cena

Vince McMahon’s creative influence has reduced since Triple H’s takeover

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Vince McMahon
Triple H’s creative takeover has reduced Vince McMahon’s direct influenced over WWE product (via- Bleacher Report)

Vince McMahon’s role in WWE Creative has been drastically reduced as compared to earlier times. Even though he has tried to inculcate his fingerprints into the current product, Triple H and his team have been doing a commendable job of making the shows intriguing. As everyone knows, Vince underwent a major spinal procedure last month. That forced him to take a complete break from his duties. 

As of now, McMahon has been on prescribed bed rest. Until further notice, the former WWE CEO isn’t going to get back to work. Although his current hiatus won’t last forever, it would be good for everyone if he stayed away from forcing unnecessary changes to WWE creative. McMahon was reportedly having the final say over various things in WWE prior to his surgery. However, he needs to realize that the product is doing great without him at the helm. 

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