Roman Reigns could be transitioning to Hollywood sooner than we thought

Roman Reigns could be transitioning to Hollywood sooner than we thought

The Tribal Chief

Randy Orton celebrated his 20 years in WWE this past week on Raw where he mentioned a statement: “I’m sure he’s got Dwayne Johnson’s agent number on speed dial. Roman will be in Hollywood, I’ll still be here.” This has made the internet curious as to when the transition could happen. It looks like we do have an answer here.

Roman Reigns could set his footprints in Hollywood by 2023

Roman Reigns has been one of the most dominant champions in the history of WWE lately
Roman Reigns

WWE appears to have at least one major WrestleMania main event in plans for the Tribal Chief, and that is a match against The Rock. And next year’s show of shows appears to be the ideal location for their one-time big match up. Although the 36-year-old has a few more years in him, the corporation would be prudent to strike while the iron is hot. He’s at the pinnacle of his career, and The Great One is one of the few WWE legends he hasn’t yet faced.

Additionally, Roman Reigns’ contract is set to expire in 2023, according to reports. This isn’t an official date, but it fits nicely if The Rock’s main event bout takes place. The Tribal Chief has practically defeated everyone notable, even if he doesn’t face The Rock next year. A rematch with Seth Rollins is still possible. After all, The Visionary has a claim to a sequel of their Royal Rumble bout, but the company hasn’t established anyone else as a credible competitor.

For now, Reigns seems to face Drew McIntyre at Wrestlemania Backlash which takes place one week from Sunday.

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