REVEALED : Huge update over Triple H possibly changing the complete PATTERN of the existing WWE product

REVEALED : Huge update over Triple H possibly changing the complete PATTERN of the existing WWE product

Triple H

I’m sure you’ll might have breathing in fresh air after watching WWE over the last 1 week as Triple H is making sure to start off his campaign as creative lead with a bang. His vision is to revert back to that era of the company when the product was very compelling, stories made complete sense and the characters were real good. If we look upon how WWE has been presenting itself over the last the years or more then we will easily find some of the cringiest segments this business has ever seen in its long illustrations history of more than 40 years.

In the blind rage of turning the wrestling product into an entertainment show, they thought that the ship is sailing in the right direction but that was their biggest mistake. Ever since Hunter assumed creative, he’s fixing all that crap which was badly hurting the WWE programming in recent years and featuring more wrestling on the show has been clearly visible since last week.

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According to a state, the July 22nd Edition of Friday Night Smackdown the one which was the day of Vince McMahon’s retirement featured only around 11-12 minutes of actual wrestling time which comes roughly around 10% of the total allowed 120 minutes for that wrestling program. And this week’s Smackdown got more than 40 minutes of the same taking that count near to 40% and this is one of the changes Triple H is doing under his administration.

Triple H is a big fan of fantastic wrestling quality and splendid in-ring work rather than some lame 24/7 championship crap or some weird so-called sports entertainment segments. He’s already got some former released NXT talents back to WWE and straightaway has put the rocket behind them including the likes of Dakota Kai and Karrion Kross.

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The WWE product is set to undergo massive changes under Triple H

Triple H
Triple H at Wrestlemania 29

As reported earlier, Triple H is still adamant on bolstering the current WWE main roster and we can this expect many former talents to comeback for good under his regime. The prime examples are Karrion Kross and Dakota Kai as mentioned above too. There have been talks that Sasha Banks and Naomi could be soon returning to WWE which is a massive step from Hunter’s side as he is obviously the one who encouraged the call to get them back.

Now, it has been revealed that Hunter is very focused on turning the current state of WWE into much of a “wrestling show” instead of keeping it just an entertainment product. The legendary wrestling promoter Jerry Jarrett spilled the beans about the change and here’s what he exactly said.

“They didn’t tell me not to tell anybody. So I’ll tell you, Hunter [Triple H] called, this week, the RAW crew and the Smackdown crew and said, ‘My father-in-law and Stephanie’s father….We admire him and we respect him. He reached success that we would never know without him, but we don’t know how to do it his way, and we’re not going to try. We’re going to try a new way.’… and I think the new way is to put wrestling instead of sports entertainment. I mean, that’s pure speculation on my part.”

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