“Freddie, it’s $20 million, get on the FU*KING plane” When the Hollywood star acknowledged Vince McMahon as a true billionaire

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon is definitely one of the greatest businessmen that have existed in the world. A far-sighted person, Vince knows how to plan out things. Vince has retired from WWE but his imprints are deeply rooted in the company. Owing to his exceptional skills at business, he has had many other businesses that are running successfully. Apart from sports companies, McMahon also shares a lot of mind in the entertainment industry.
Vince’s businesses are prospering at an incredible pace. His competitors have feared the existence of McMahon and his analysis. He is quite clear about his aims and objectives and he knows how to attain them. Hollywood actor and writer Freddie Prinze Jr. once recalled his interaction with Vince McMahon over money.
Vince McMahon paid a huge sum for movies

Freddie gave detailed information on the scenario that involved him, Vince McMahon and an unnamed writer from the WWE Company. This writer wanted to shift himself from the creative team to the film industry. Freddie knew what the film industry demanded and considered him not enough on being in the same. “He started selling his own scripts under a pen name to WWE and was producing his own movie and then paying himself to do it,” said Freddie.
He then recalled another incident that happened between him and McMahon while they were boarding a flight. He wanted to expose what the writer was doing to the company. He went ahead to tell Vince that he was spending $5 million on scripts of the movies that the writer must have already sold to many companies. Moreover, the scripts would not work in Hollywood. He told Vince that he was spending money on something like that and was paying the writer to create his own movie.
“That’s four movies a year at $5 million apiece,” said Vince McMahon. He looked at Freddie dead in the face and added, “Freddie, it’s $20 million, get on the fu*king plane.” Freddie was really impressed by Vince McMahon and jokingly asked if he could have that job. Vince acknowledged the joke and left Freddie thinking, “That’s a billionaire. That’s what a billionaire is!“
Vince McMahon has often been in the middle of money related scams. Currently he is stuck in the middle of a hush money scandal where he is accused of paying huge amounts of money to women in the company. It was also revealed that he paid a massive amount to Donald Trump’s foundation. Amidst such allegations, investigations are being carried out on him and for this reason, he himself took the step of stepping down as the CEO of WWE.
ALSO READ – “They ENTERTAIN people” When Vince McMahon admitted WWE to be a scripted programme in order to evade taxes