“Give me just one kiss, Randy,” When Randy Orton was desperately begged for a kiss by his co-star

Randy Orton has captivated multiple people out there with his personality and chiselled physique. this has made not just the women but also the men go gaga over him.

“Give me just one kiss, Randy,” When Randy Orton was desperately begged for a kiss by his co-star

Randy Orton

Randy Orton’s personality has succeeded in captivating people’s attention. While there have been numerous women who go gaga over ‘Viper,’ there have been men too who craved Orton’s attention. Former WWE star Paul London once revealed that Juventud Guerrera begged Randy Orton just once to kiss him! 

Paul recalled the time when Guerrera was in a drunken state. The intoxication brought out a new side of him, and he started begging Randy for a kiss. The two were staying in the same hotel and Juventud was heavily drunk. Speaking on one of the episodes of the ‘Cafe De Renne’ podcast, Paul recalled the conversation the two stars had back then.

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Juvi, get the fu*k out of here now,” said Randy Orton in the already heated situation. However, Guerrera was not in a state to analyze anything and stuck to his only demand and was adamant to get one kiss. “Come on, Randy, just kiss me, one kiss, please. I’ve said too much,” said Paul London as he reiterated the entire conversation on the podcast.

However, Paul did not take a strong stance on the statements and simply stated that it was what he had heard. Juventud Guerrera was associated with the WWE for only a year. During the limited period, he faced London on numerous occasions. When the rumored incident took place, Randy and Juventud were already riding partners, making it a very probable rumor.

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Randy Orton may have to bid goodbye to WWE

Randy Orton
Randy Orton

It is almost going to be a year since Randy Orton stepped inside the squared circle. In May 2022, Randy suffered from a legitimate back injury and had to undergo surgery. The medical team announced that the surgery will keep him away from the ring, at least for the entire year 2022. 2023 has already started, and there are no signs of his return. 

The severity of the injury had already prepared the fans to hear any heartbreaking future news. Recently, Dave Meltzer reported that WWE is hardly seen thinking about any possible reunion of the ‘RK Bro’. Orton had a great connection with Matt Riddle inside the squared circle while teaming up in “RK Bro” with him. 

2022 didn’t prove to be the best year-end for the King of Bros too. Riddle failed the WWE wellness policy and had to be sent to rehab. In addition, he was accused of cheating on his girlfriend with another adult star. However, Riddle is back from the rehab center, and the fans may expect him to return to in-ring action soon.

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