WWE Smackdown results – 09/04/2021 (Wrestlemania special episode, Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal)

Reigns, Uso and Heyman
This episode of WWE Smackdown was a Wrestlemania special episode. The episode featured the Smackdown Tag Team Championship match and also the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
Daniel Bryan’s segment

Bryan hyped up the fact that we are very close to Wrestlemania. He loves the virtual crowd at Thunderdome, but to hear the roar of 25,000 people at Wrestlemania is exciting. It would also be exciting to win the Universal Championship match at Wrestlemania.
Bryan couldn’t wait for 25,000 people doing the YES chants in unison. He is related to the word yes. But in reality he has been associated with the word no, all his life.
Was Daniel Bryan big enough? No. Did Bryan belong in the WWE? No. Was Bryan a superstar? No. Was Bryan best for business? No. Could Bryan be the face of WWE? No. Did Bryan deserve to be in the main event of WrestleMania? If you asked Batista, Randy Orton, Edge, Roman Reigns… They would tell you no. But if you ask him, he definitely does.
His parents, his mentors all ways told him to ignore such things and that was how he came to saying yes. Whenever life told him no, he said yes.
Will Bryan ever be able to wrestle again? Doctors said no, he said yes. When he came back, will Bryan ever be champion again? People said no, he said yes. At Fastlane, will Bryan be able to tap out Roman Reigns? Roman said no, he said yes. And can Bryan main event WrestleMania one more time? At first Adam Pearce said no and then Adam Pearce said yes.
At Wrestlemania it is the biggest match of his career. Edge is furious at Bryan because he thinks Bryan stole his spotlight. On the other hand, Reigns is enraged that Bryan made him tap out. But they will be facing the best, the ost dangerous form of Daniel Bryan, who will walk out as the Universal Champion.
Dolph Ziggler and Rober Roode def. The Mysterios, The Street Profits and The Alpha Academy

Gable and Dominik were in the ring as Otis tagged in and they double teamed Dominik. Ziggler tagged himself in. A chin lock by Roode followed by a right hand knocked Dominik down. A body slam by Roode.
He runs to the ropes as Gable tagged himself in while Gable worked on Dominik’s left arm. Dominik kicked Gable away and Rey was tagged in. Rey hit a head scissors to take Gable down. A back elbow by Rey followed by a DDT.
He went for the cover but Roode and Ziggler broke it up. In came Dominik as Roode and Ziggler are knocked to the outside. Otis hit a bodyslam onto Ford. Gable was tagged in and they double team Ford.
Ziggler tagged himself in and a head lock on Ford. Ford got out of it but Ziggler hit a dropkick. Dolph went for the famouser but Ford picked him up and threw him onto the mat. Roode and Dawkins were tagged in.
Dawkins with a clothesline took Roode down. Dawkins threw Gable across the ring. Rey tagged himself in and hit a sit down senton onto Roode. Dawkins was thrown to the outside. In came Ziggler but he’s tripped up and so is Roode. It was double 619.
Rey jumped off the top rope, Otis caught him and threw him to the outside. The Street Profits double team Otis to the outside. Ford with a splash onto Otis. Dawkins and Gable tagged themselves in.
Gable went for a German but Ford tagged himself in. Gable landed the German but Ford landed a big frog splash on Gable. Roode tagged himself in for Ford as Ziggler hit Ford with a superkick. Roode went for the cover and got the pin.
Nia Jax vs. Tamina (No Contest)

Nia pushed Tamina down. Tamina got back up and pushed Nia down. Right hands by Tamina in the corner as the referee broke it up. Reginald got on the ring apron as Tamina tried to grab him but Shayna held onto Reginald’s legs. Nia ran into Tamina taking her down.
Nia threw Tamina in the corner. She went for a spear but Tamina moved out of the way. Baszler got on the ring apron but Natalya took her down. Shayna threw Natalya into the steel steps.
Nia took Tamina down but Tamina with a super kick followed by a Samoan drop. Tamina went for the cover but Shayna broke it up as the referee called for the bell.
Edge’s segment

The Rated R Superstar mentioned that he had attended Wrestlemania 6. When he saw Hulk Hogan vs. the Ultimate Warrior, he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He worked for it sand became a WWE Superstar. But he didn’t get a chance to end his career on his own terms.
Bur he ripped his career out of fate’s hands. He came back to steal the show, to main event Wrestlemania. But like an indi book store clerk, Bryan suggest stupid ideas to interfere in the Edge vs. Roman Reigns match.
On the other hand, Roman Reigns owes a lot to Edge. Reigns came as a three man group, made his entrance through the crowd, uses the spear as his finisher. Reigns is a Samoan Edge.
Edge said he came back after a career-ending injury, won the Royal Rumble, earned the right to main event Wrestlemania. He got emotional. He demands respect. It could be fate, God’s will, or whatever, but he will be the next Universal Champion.
Andre the Giant Battle Royal

Tozawa was eliminated first. The entire ring went up against Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin as Benjamin was eliminated and as was Cedric. Erik was eliminated and as was Gulak. Elias and Ryker followed them too.
Ali eliminated T-Bar. Dorado eliminated Kalisto as Metalik eliminated Dorado from the match. Corbin eliminated Metalik. Corbin eliminated Murphy and Nakamura eliminated Garza. Final five were – Ricochet, Ali, Corbin, Nakamura and Jey Uso.
Ricochet eliminated Ali and Jey Uso eliminated Ricochet. Nakamura eliminated Corbin. Final two were – Jey Uso and Shinsuke Nakamura.
Jey went for the Samoan drop but Nakamura got out of it. Nakamura with a kick to the side of the head knocked Jey down. Nakamura went for the Kinghasa but Jey hit him with the super kick but Nakamura hit him with the Kinshasa after it.
Nakamura went to throw Jey but Jey threw Nakamura over the top rope and to the outside. As Uso celebrated, out came Roman Reigns with Paul Heyman.
Roman Reigns’ segment

Reigns was annoyed that he had to be in the ring. He wasn’t a politician, or running for the President. He did not need to sell himself. But he could lose his title even if he wasn’t pinned. But he will continue to show up and win. When he shows up, WWE wins.
Edge and Bryan might have one good week. But since August 23, since Summerslam, he has been doing it for over 30 weeks. He made the title relevant.
Bryan was running around claiming he tapped Reigns out. but if he had tapped out, Bryan would’ve been a Champion. He was just a dreamer. While he is the man with the golden hand. He saves career.
Reigns looked at Jey and asked that who gave him the greatest year of his career. But Edge and Bryan wont get their dreams, it was a spoiler and not a prediction. He will wreck everyone at Wrestlemania and retain the Universal Championship.
Also Read: Wrestlemania 37 predictions for the Championship matches