Top 10 strongest WWE wrestlers: How much can they bench press?

Take a glimpse into the strongest WWE wrestlers including John Cena, Big Show, and Brock Lesner.

Top 10 strongest WWE wrestlers: How much can they bench press?

Brock Lesnar and John Cena

Professional wrestlers are known for their feats of strength inside the squared circle. Apart from performing inside the ring, they have the ability to bench press the heaviest weights in the gym. It has been a never-ending debate about who are the 10 strongest WWE wrestlers and naturally so, who has the bragging rights when it comes to physical strength?

From Roman Reigns flaunting his strength over 445 lbs to Brock Lesner doing the same over 600 lbs, WWE superstars sure love to be ruthless when it comes to flexing strength. Being a WWE wrestler, one is expected to have the ability to lift heavy opponents in the ring which directly resonates with their ability to put in ‘heavy’ hours in the gym.

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Some of the best examples of professional wrestlers’ feats of strength include Hulk Hogan body slamming a 500-plus-pound Andre the Giant. It has been one of the most iconic moments in the history of pro wrestling. This incident took place at WrestleMania 3, back in 1987.

More wrestlers who have showcased their jaw-dropping strength include John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, and more. Here is the list of the 10 strongest wrestlers, who possess great strength, and how much they can bench press:

#10 Roman Reigns – can bench press over 445 lbs

10 strongest wrestler bench press
WrestleMania 31 workout of Roman Reigns(via-WWE)

Roman Reigns is a current WWE wrestler who is known for his impressive physique and strength. He has lifted and carried other wrestlers who weigh over 300 pounds. The Tribal Chief has one of the best-looking physiques in the WWE world today. Reigns can bench press over 445 lbs.

#9 John Cena – can bench press over 480 lbs

10 strongest wrestlers bench press
Powerful John Cena(via-BarBend)

John Cena is not only a wrestler, but also a bodybuilder and actor. Known for his impressive subtle build, he has lifted other wrestlers who weigh over 400 pounds. Cena once lifted Big Show and Edge together in a memorable moment at WrestleMania 25, back in 2009. Cena can bench press over 480 lbs.

#8 Big Show/Paul Wight – can bench press over 500 lbs

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Paul Wight/Big Show in the gym(via-Twitter)

Paul Wight, aka Big Show, is one of the largest wrestlers ever to grace the WWE ring. Standing at 7 feet tall and weighing over 400 pounds, he has been known to lift and throw opponents with ease. Paul Wight has showcased his strength in various promotions, such as WCW, WWE, and currently AEW. Big Show can bench press over 500 lbs.

#7 Kane – can bench press over 525 lbs

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The Big Red Machine Kane(via-Strength Universe YouTube)

Kane has been a dominant force in WWE for over two decades. He is known for his incredible core strength and his ability to perform amazing in-ring moves such as lifting opponents high into the air and slamming them to the mat. Kane can bench press over 525 lbs.

#6 Braun Strowman – can bench press over 540 lbs

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Bench pressing Braun Strowman(via-Men’s Health)

Braun Strowman is one of the largest WWE wrestlers to have stepped into the ring. During his peak, he has flipped ambulances, lifted cars, and performed other impressive feats of strength. The ‘Monster of all Monsters’ undeniably makes the list of 10 strongest wrestlers. Strowman can bench press over 540 lbs.

#5 Goldberg – can bench press over 565 lbs

10 strongest wrestlers bench press
Former WCW champion Goldberg(via-Strength Universe Youtube)

Goldberg was known for his intense power and explosiveness. He was able to perform powerful spears and jackhammers; finishing moves that required immense strength. Goldberg once unbelievably lifted over 400 pounds Paul Wight (aka Big Show) in his early WCW days. Goldberg can bench press over 565 lbs.

#4 Big E – can bench press over 575 lbs

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Roman Reigns helping Big E while bench press(via-WWE)

Big E is a current WWE wrestler who is known for his impressive strength. Known for his in-ring shenanigans with Kofi Kingston, he has lifted other wrestlers above his head. The former champion is undoubtedly one of the strongest in the world. Big E can bench press over 575 lbs.

#3 Mark Henry – can bench press over 585 lbs

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World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry(via-WWE)

Mark Henry is known as “The World’s Strongest Man”. Henry is a former Olympic weightlifter instogated the ‘fear factor’ into his opponents during his peak. He has lifted cars and airplanes and is widely regarded as one of the strongest wrestlers ever. Mark Henry can bench press over 585 lbs.

#2 Bobby Lashley – can bench press over 600 lbs

10 strongest wrestlers bench press
Lashley lifting weights(via-Strength Universe Youtube)

Bobby Lashley is known for his impressive strength and athleticism. He has a background in amateur wrestling and has also competed in mixed martial arts, which has helped to further develop his strength and conditioning. The All-Mighty is widely considered to be one of the most physical wrestlers in the WWE today. Bobby Lashley can bench press over 600 lbs.

#1 Brock Lesnar – can bench press over 655 lbs

10 strongest wrestlers bench press
Lesnar in the gym(via-WWE Beast Youtube)

Brock Lesnar is a former UFC heavyweight champion and NCAA wrestling champion, who is known for his world-class strength and athleticism. He can suplex opponents repeatedly who weigh over 300 pounds with ease. The Beast Incarnate has no limitations while performing the feats of strength in the ring. Brock Lesnar can bench press over 655 lbs.

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