Apex Legends: Octane stims himself on the top of the list, Know All Legend Pick Rates

Apex Legends: Octane stims himself on the top of the list, Know All Legend Pick Rates

All Legend Pick Rates

Apex Legends is a free-to-play character ability-based shooter game where 60 legendary competitors battle each other for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier and Rank up Faster in Apex Legends. The META changes in Apex Legends with every update so does the Legend Pick Rates. This game is available for a vast number of platforms. You can get this game on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via both Origin and Steam.

Apex Legends All Legend Pick Rates

There are two types of players in Apex Legends, first is who plays for the rank and grind the game and always tries to go with the META Legends and the second type of players play the game for fun they just pick the Legend they like. Here are all Legend Pick Rates from high to low.

All Legend Pick Rates
All Legend Pick Rates

Octane (16.2%)

Once arguably the weakest agent is now one of the best in the game. The META now revolves around Octane that’s why Octane is seeing such a high pick rate. Furthermore, Octane is extremely fun to play Legend.

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Wraith (11.4%)

Wraith was the most picked Legend for the longest time. The official TTV Legend falls is still one of the most picked although Respawn pretty much nerfed her to the grounds.

All Legend Pick Rates
All Legend Pick Rates


The new boy Seerโ€™s pick rate is still high, itโ€™s nothing compared to what it was when he first launched. On launch, his pick rate peaked at 20.49 percent, then fell continuously, even before his nerf. Since the nerfs, his pick rate has fallen from 12.48 percent to its current 9.3 percent.

Bloodhound (8.9%)

Before Seer entered the Arenas Bloodhound had an amazing pick rate but it noticeably decreased after Seer. So it was no surprise that Bloodhound has risen in pick rate since the Seerโ€™s nerfs.


Pathfinderโ€™s pick rate has risen as Seerโ€™s has fallen. Pathfinder is one of the most fun Legends to play.

All Legend Pick Rates
All Legend Pick Rates

Related: Top 5 Most Followed Apex Legends Streamers on Twitch.


Lifeline struggled a bit after the removal of her revive shield as the shield was one of her strongest abilities.


Bangalore is also fun to play but her lack of strong abilities puts her in the low-picked Legends tier.

Valkyrie (5%)

Although she is really fun to play but she doesn’t fit the current META.


The potential Wraith replacement lost to Wraith in the pick rates and has only a 4.4% pick rate now.

All Legend Pick Rates

Loba (3.9%)

Loba’s mobility ability makes her different, but she still canโ€™t hold up against highly mobile characters like Octane.


Although He is broken in close-quarter zones but Heโ€™s just not good enough in open map areas to justify the pick for a lot of players.


Fuse got a bit of buff but still, he is just not good enough.

Mirage: 3.2 percent

Mirage is really fun for some games but he just can not keep up with all other Legends.


He is not good enough even after a hitbox adjustment and a big buff to his climb.

All Legend Pick Rates
All Legend Pick Rates


Every other defensive legend, in this META Gib just does not fit in.


Like Gib, His passive playstyle doesn’t suit the game anymore.


It’s the same reason why all other defensive Legends have low pick rates.


No matter how many buffs she gets her pick rates to seem to be always at the bottom of the list.

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Also Read: How to Change Name in Apex Legends PC: Step by Step Guide.