“A public n***”- When Muhammad Ali trolled a reporter with a racial slur

Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is the greatest boxer of all time and there isn’t even a debate about that. Muhammad Ali was one of the most prominent personalities in the 20th century and he left an everlasting impact on the world, even after his death. Despite being such a renowned star, Ali never left the opportunity to have fun and jokes with people around him. In an interview, Ali once trolled a reporter and accused him of using a racial slur.
Ali was an Olympic gold medalist and won the Olympic gold in the Light-heavyweight division when he was just 18-years-old. After turning pro, Ali defeated Sonny Liston to become the Heavyweight champion at 22. Ali was a huge advocate for civil rights and also served prison time when he refused to join the army for the Vietnam war.
Despite being an active figure in the U.S. politics, Ali never avoided fun and pranks throughout his lifetime. Ali in his interview with BBC, trolled Michael Parkinson, who was interviewing Ali. The interview was taken after his loss to his former training partner, Larry Holmes. In the interview, Ali joked with Michael and accused him of using a racial Slur. Michael was shocked and showed his nervousness about the accusation.
Watch the Interview:
Related: Robert Whittaker draws huge inspiration from Muhammad Ali as he finds his way back to fighting ways
Larry Holmes revealed how Muhammad Ali taught him valuable life lessons

Larry Holmes is a boxing legend, and he was the former sparing partner of Muhammad Ali. Larry was 7 years younger than Ali and is one of the greatest boxer of all time. Holmes fought in the ring from 1973 to 2002 and fought all the skilled fighters of his era.
Ali and Larry were sparing partners and trained together for 5 years. Larry Holmes, in his recent interview with the Telegraph, revealed what he learned from Muhammad Ali during their training days.
Larry credited Ali for teaching him his famous combination. Larry said: “There were so many great fights, and we are all tempted to go on for too long, but early on, I learned so much working as Muhammad Ali’s sparring partner for four, five years.I borrowed it all from Ali. Jab, jab, jab, jab, right hand, left hook. Jab, jab, jab… I watched him, I sparred him, and he did that–so why couldn’t I do it? Ali was one of the greatest fighters of all time.”
Larry also explained about his fight with Ali and what made him the G.O.A.T. Larry said: “I had the pleasure of meeting, eating his food, running on his grounds and people always ask ‘what was it about Muhammad Ali?’ and I try my best to explain it–but, you know, it’s unexplainable, because he did so much of everything. He taught me so much, and then he came back to fight me in the ring. I took no pleasure in beating Ali.”
Also Read: Watch: Mike Tyson shows off his pigeons to Muhammad Ali’s grandson Nico Ali Walsh
Sparsh Sharma
(196 Articles Published)