Dripstones in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs 1.17: Generation, location, uses and more!

Dripstones in Minecraft: All you need to know
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update part I is now out for the players to enjoy and several new features have been implemented into the game. In this article we take a look at the Dripstones in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update.
The Caves and Cliffs update is one of the most important updates that the game has received in a decade. The last Nether update introduced new biomes in the Netherrealm. The Caves and Cliffs update is here to revamp the caves and mountains and add some new features and mobs.
Down below we take a look at the Dripstones in Minecraft.
Dripstones in Minecraft

Dripstones are a block that generate stalagmites and stalactites in underground caves.
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The Dripstones Caves haven’t been added as of yet into the game but is a newly released biome that will spawn pointed dripstones and dripstone blocks. The Dripstone caves are like normal caves except with dripstone blocks.

The pointed dripstones can also be found in normal caves but with smaller clusters. They can be mined with anything, but the pickaxe is the most efficient.
How does Stalactite and Stalagmite grow?
Stalactites that are hanging from a dripstone block under a water source, will slowly grow with water dropping from them.
However, Stalagmites grow when a pointed dripstone is placed on the ground.

Pointed Dripstones can be mined and used to make a Block of Dripstone. Combine them in the Crafting table in the manner shown above to make it.

Pointed dripstones can be used to hurt enemy mobs and even kill them. A Stalactite block hanging from the roof can be broken and made to fall on any enemy mobs under them. This has been touted as the all-organic Zombie killer!

Stalagmites on the ground can hurt both players and mobs that fall upon them. Players might also get impaled by falling, if the fall distance is huge.
These are all the facts about Dripstones in Minecraft released till now!
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