Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Players annoyed with Longshot Kill Challenge and launch petition for alternate challenges

Players are not liking the longshot challenge in Modern Warfare 2
Players of the multiplayer shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are becoming disgruntled with how the Longshot Challenges are affecting games and have various suggestions for what should be done in their place. Even though Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 matchmaking isn’t known for being taken seriously, an increase in players who are apparently playing with the intention of completing Longshot Challenges rather than playing with objectivity is being noticed.
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, longshot challenges are exactly what their name suggests. Players must complete tasks that require striking shots from great distances in order to obtain specific weapon mastery camos. For instance, Shotgun Longshot Challenges require participants to be at least 12.5 meters away, whereas sniper rifles require them to be more than 50 meters away.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players unhappy with Longshot Kill Challenge

Players’ complaints are brought up in a Reddit thread on the Modern Warfare 2 subreddit. The thread talks about the demands for the mechanic to be changed in the future. The thread suggests alternate tasks that might be implemented in their place and emphasize more natural gaming.
In other words, it doesn’t force players to alter their playing style in a way that adversely affects matchmaking. It rather offers challenges that go well with Modern Warfare 2’s game play. Players are complaining that there may be one or more players on a team that are not interested in winning games.
They rather take up positions that aren’t favorable to achieving match goals so they can work on their Longshot Challenge. Getting objective defense or attack kills is one of the alternate tasks that the Reddit user presents, which encourages players to remain impartial.
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Kills with no attachments, kills after reloading, and kills after switching weapons are more alternate ideas. Players wouldn’t be needing to dramatically alter their typical Call of Duty play style in order to complete these objectives. Most gamers agree that camo unlocks shouldn’t require Call of Duty players to fundamentally alter their style of play.
Instead, the finest challenges are those that can be finished casually, so players acquire them over time by consistent solid play rather than through wrecking games. Players of Modern Warfare 2 shouldn’t probably anticipate any modifications. But with user feedback, possibly adjustments can be done in the future.
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