How to Get New Style of Fortnite Beach Jules Skin in Chapter 3 Season 3

How to Get New Style of Fortnite Beach Jules Skin in Chapter 3 Season 3
The New Style of Fortnite Beach Jules Skin has finally been released in the game after a lot of speculations from the online community. The Fortnite Beach Jules Skin has been released on the bloom of the new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 and players are already in love with the new inked variant of the loved skin.
It has been released just today and is currently available in the shop right now. The article details all about the new variant of Fortnite Beach Jules Skin that is in the Fortnite Item Shop.
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New Style of Fortnite Beach Jules Skin
“Get some R&R to go with your R&D.“
Cost: 2300 V Bucks
The skin comes with an attachment, the BACK BLING: PLASMATIC GEAR. Along with the challenges and rewards, there will be new and LTMs rotating in and out of the playlist during the event as well as new and old Fortnite skins coming into the Fortnite Item Shop.
- She is the first Jules outfit to not be a part of the Intrepid Engines set.
- Her icons were updated in Update v20.20, making her skin darker to better resemble the original Jules outfit.
- Epic offered a free refund to players after this, but this was mistakenly displayed for all players, not just those who owned the outfit. Using the refund if you didn’t own the skin did nothing.
- Beach Jules got a new style in Update v21.20, which gives her tattoos to her legs. The style’s name is “Inked”.
The Fortnite Beach Jules Skin is one of the ornaments for the Cosmic Summer Celebration that had kicked off along with the 17.10 update, giving fans a look at new cosmetics and skins coming to the game. Fortnite has always been quite generous while adding cool new skins, cosmetics, and in-game items with every update.
The new skin is a part of the epic outfits in Fortnite: Battle Royale, which is not very different than the rest of the collection. Until now, all we know is that the skin does not have any form of selectable styles in the shop, apart from the 2 variants.

Fortnite Beach Jules is a Rare Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for 1,200 V-Bucks. She was first released in Chapter 2: Season 7 and is part of the Undercover Summer Set. As her name suggests, this Outfit is a summer version of the Jules Outfit.
Beach Jules has been added to the game in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7. Gamers often look forward to Fortnite leaks from data miners to get hold of any information regarding Ruby cosmetics. Now it’s in an all-new inked style for players.
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