Riot Games to update Valorant’s “internal game engine” in the upcoming patch 6.09
Fans hoping for a solution for some issues in the upcoming 6.09 patch

Riot Games to update Valorant’s “internal game engine” in the upcoming patch 6.09
Riot Games is going to make improvements to Valorant’s internal game engine in the 6.09 patch. Valorant’s developers make frequent updates in order to keep the game more interesting. However, they make some clever tweaks to the game’s agents that either balance the game more or create a new meta. This has happened several times in the past. One such example is the Bucky (shotgun) meta, which terrorized the players in the game’s initial years and was later nerfed.
It will be interesting to see what Riot Games comes up with in the new batch of updates. There are certain areas where Riot can make improvements.
Players have been demanding buffs to certain agents’ abilities. Whether Riot listens to its community, we will find out sooner rather than later.
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What can the Valorant community expect from the upcoming 6.09 patch

Source Riot Games
After the last 6.08 update of Valorant by Riot Games, players seemed to complain a lot about frame drops during the game. Moreover, Riot’s attempt to make players use Gekko does not seem to be working that well, especially in pro matches. Most players are still choosing Skye or Breach over the newly introduced initiator. However, Gekko seems quite popular in pug games throughout every region.
The 6.08 patch gave Killjoy nano swamps (Molly) a major buff, increasing its radius. This made the players choose the big-brain scientist from Germany even on maps, which doesn’t seem KJ-friendly.
However, these are all minor changes that have not changed the meta too much until now. But Riot’s announcement of making improvements to the game engine could possibly mean a pretty substantial update. Some even speculate that the new patch may drop some hints about the upcoming agent.
As the official Valorant Twitter reads, Riot will test extensively before releasing the next batch of updates (patch 6.09). Moreover, Riot assured everyone that from patch 6.10 normal patch cadence will continue and it will drop on May 23rd, 2023.
How did the Valorant community react to the news?
It seems more and more people have been fed up with FPS problems after the last batch of updates and the comment section reflects that. Most users shared their troubled experiences during the game:
Popular Valorant clips creator on YouTube TonD speculated about agents receiving buffs in the upcoming 6.09 patch
The age-old problem of FPS drops was highlighted by a Twitter user @BlakeRayhart
Chamber has been out of commission for a while now players who prefer this French sharpshooter over other agents in the game want a significant buff
There’s another pressing issue that gamers are facing is the false bans in the game Twitter user @RyujiOW and a few others commented about it
Although Riot did not disclose Patch 6.09 release date, however, it is entirely possible that it might arrive within the next week or so. Whether Riot listens to the pleas of its community and fixes all the problems we will know sooner or later.
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