Top 5 beginner friendly characters in Valorant in 2023

Find out the most beginner-friendly agents in Valorant in 2023.

Top 5 beginner friendly characters in Valorant in 2023

Valorant has a challenging learning curve. Although the fundamental concept of five-player teams either planting or defending against a bomb is straightforward, improving in-game involves several nuances. It takes a lot of practice to become familiar with the skills and style of many of the agents that gamers might select to play.

The game offers close to 20 options, and also Riot Games consistently adds new agents from time to time, making it challenging for beginning players, in particular, to choose the best Valorant Agents. There are many difficult Agents to learn, like Jett and Breach, etc. Beginner players may find it challenging to understand the skills of a number of heroes since they risk being severely penalized for blunders like employing an ultimate or ability when it is not necessary.

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However, there are a few agents that anyone can play without having much prior gaming knowledge, while players choose which agents would best suit their playing style. If this list was made a few months earlier, Chamber would have been on the top of the list but now he’s just straight-up trash and tricky to play.

Related: What to expect from Valorant in 2023?

5 Best Valorant agents for beginners

1. Reyna

Reyna (image via Riot Games)

If you are familiar with other FPS games like CS: GO and have good aiming skills, then she should be your go-to agent. She is very easy to learn and play with. Her skills are very straightforward and also depend on her fragging capability. She can heal herself and get out of a sticky position after taking a kill. Reyna is seen by many as a powerful character that is incredibly simple to learn and highly challenging to play against. Getting kills and blinding opponents using a form of blind that doesn’t even blind allies are both incredibly effective. Riot Games also revealed that she was the most picked agent in 2022.

2. Brimstone

Brimstone Valorant
Brimstone(Image via Riot Games)

Brimstone is one of the five agents that are already unlocked when you start playing. In Valorant, Brimstone is the controller that is the simplest to use. In addition to his semi-global smokes, he can give his squad a lot of support from a distance. Players may find it difficult to navigate the smokes at lower levels.  You can easily place Brimstone’s smoke. His molly is also very simple to throw. His ultimate, Orbital Strike is inarguably one of the easiest Ultimate in the game to use. You just have to navigate a spot and use Orbital Strike.

3. Sage

Sage(image via Riot Games)

Sage is a sentinel-type agent. Sentinels are typically employed for securing locations and having a defensive mindset. Sage is usually utilized for hanging back behind the main lines and healing teammates. This makes it simple to see the game and get acclimated to it before learning how to employ defense walls and slow orbs to slow down enemies later on. She is very useful in lower leagues because she fixes her teammates’ mistakes by healing them and her Ultimate ability Ressurection helps in bringing back your knocked-out teammate.

4. Pheonix

Pheonix Valorant
Pheonix(image via Riot Games)

Pheonix is also among the 5 pre-unlocked agents in the Valorant. He is a duelist whose job is to take a break into the site and duel with enemies for site control. Pheonix is the jack of all trades. He got flashes, a wall, and a molly, and he can heal himself too. It will take some time to get familiar with his flashes. His ultimate ability, Run it back is very useful for newer players. You can push through to the site without dying. It is also a very good tool to make enemies back off.

5. KAY/O

KAY/O Valorant
KAY/O(Image via Riot Games)

KAY/O is an initiator class agent. The initiator’s role is to get intel about the area. His kit is also very straightforward. His Zero/Point can suppress the abilities of enemies in the affected area and also provides information about who was present there. The Frag/ment is a great tool to clear out angles. And his ultimate, Null/Cmd, has effects of both Reyna’s and Pheonix’s ult with some of its own effects. It increases his fire rate and when shot down teammates can revive him. He also suppresses all the enemies who get in his radius of ultimate. His flashes are similar to that of in CS: GO so players transitioning from CS: GO to Valorant love Flash/Drive ability.

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