“I don’t necessarily agree” xQc reacts to new Jubilee video
xQc recently reacted to a Jubilee video on stream. The video in question is part of a series meant to promote open social discussion and is called ‘Middle Ground’. The reactions by him ranged from hilarious to insightful as he gave his opinions on the issue at hand with the chat giving hilarious reactions at the same time that he went on short spurting rants. As usual, his opinions might be controversial but either way, his persona is still oddly charismatic and blunt.
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What does Jubilee do in the series?
The Jubilee Series Middle Ground seeks to educate about the opinions of two opposing sides to see if they can find a middle ground, where they can come to a compromise. The series is often criticized by people for not choosing the representation of either side of an issue correctly. The controversy of representatives aside, the format of the videos is great as we get a personal opinion of different individuals packaged with their personal experience that caused them to hold the opinion they do which makes it well rounded.
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How did xQc react to the new video?
The topic of the new video was pretty controversial and people in the comments section complained that Jubilee had yet again chosen bad representatives for either side. He went on the occasional short rants, drawing comparisons between what the participants of the video were saying and his career of streaming. Towards the end of the video, he started to find the humor in their opinions eventually breaking into laughter and making another hilarious analogy
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Kunal Deo
(188 Articles Published)