“I hate you” AriaSaki gets mad at PeterParkTV after he roasted her

AriaSaki and PeterParkTV
AriaSaki is a very well known member of the OfflineTV circle. She has an entertaining and wholesome personality and is always a joy to watch on stream. The most famous are her cooking streams which are half part really good comedy and half part extremely good cooking. Her cooking skills are so good that many people want her to start her own cooking show which they would gladly watch. But in a recent stream Aria also showed off her comedic side being part of the PeterParkTV-AriaSaki comedic duo.
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What happened on AriaSaki’s stream?

A lot of viewers ask Aria to compare her height with her fellow streamers and this stream was no different as she compared her height to Peter using her famous door. Peter stood against the door after which he appeared only slightly taller than Aria who then stood up on her toes to match it. “Imagine if these were what our actual proportions were, Imagine my head was this small” Peter said as Aria gave an amused chuckle.
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Why did AriaSaki get annoyed with PeterParkTV?
As they exchanged places Aria appeared a dwarf in front of him. “Omg now you’re too big and I’m too small!” she said after which Peter pretended to pick her up like the crane game in an arcade. Aria played along and this made for a moment filled with comedy until they both finally stood side by side at the door. “I’m going to be honest I thought you’d be taller” he bluntly told her. “I hate you” Aria replied to his bluntness.
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