Ludwig set to host Scuffed World Tour Smash Bros. tournament to raise funds for VGBC

Ludwig set to host Scuffed World Tour Smash Bros. tournament to raise funds for VGBC

Ludwig Smash tournament

YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren has been an active member in the Smash community as he not only enjoys playing the game but also hosts tournaments of his own. Therefore, he was quite against the decision taken by Nintendo to shut down the operations of Smash World Tour 2023, giving a huge blow to tournament organizers and participants.

But he is not someone who would just raise issues and sit idly, as he recently announced his decision to host The Scuffed World Tour, an invitational Smash Bros. tournament. This comes a month after he had hosted the Smash Invitational tournament, one of the biggest Smash Bros. tournament to be hosted for both Melee and Ultimate.

YouTube video

Ludwig’s Scuffed World Tour will take place on December 18th, days after he hosts the biggest event of his career, the Mogul Chessboxing Championship. The Scuffed World Tour will be a one-day event that brings the top 8 Smash World Tour competitors under one ring, so that funds can be raised for VGBC (Video Game Bootcamp) as they were largely affected by Nintendo’s decision.

Here are the teams that will be invited to The Scuffed World Tour which apparently keeps $50,000 up for grabs. He has also stated that, “if anyone is unable to attend we will fly out the next highest point earner”


  • Liquid HungryBox
  • VGBC Red Bull AMSA
  • Zain
  • Panda IBDW
  • C9 Mango
  • 69% fiction
  • BC S2J
  • Professor Pro


  • T1 Mikleo
  • Bandits Sonix
  • Zeta Cola
  • 26R Onin
  • Solary Glutonny
  • Moist Light
  • Liquid Riddles
  • Liquid Dabbuz

Read More: Top 5 Ludwig moments since his shift to YouTube

Ludwig had given away Mogul Chessboxing tickets for $1

Ludwig set to host Scuffed World Tour Smash Bros. tournament to raise funds for VGBC
Image Credits: SVG

The content creator’s steps to compensate the participants and tournament organizers who are on the verge of losing thousands of dollars due to the abrupt announcement, are praiseworthy. A couple of days ago, Ludwig had announced that he will be giving away the tickets for Mogul Chessboxing Championship for just $1.

Even though a one-hour time limit was kept under which interested attendees were allowed to purchase the ticket at such a low price, the ticket sales went unusually high. The streamer had announced that within 45 minutes of the time window provided, they were able to sell $100,000 of tickets for $2000.

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Nintendo and Panda’s response to VGBC’s claims

While Nintendo previously kept mum on the allegations given by VGBC, they released an official statement days later claiming that they never asked the organization to cancel the tournaments. This comes in contradiction with the statements made by the third party tournament organizer.

YouTube video

VGBC had also called out Panda Global’s CEO who was involved in getting the Smash World Tour cancelled as they wished to gain the sole authority. Panda, on the other hand has refused any such action.

Similar to the other Smash Bros. tournament fans across the world, Ludwig was concerned regarding the future of the tournament organizers. His decision to host the Scuffed World Tour was widely appreciated by the fans as he provided an extra assurance regarding the safety of the participants.

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