“She’s not helping” Miyoung Instantly Abandons Disguised Toast and Sykkuno

“She’s not helping” Miyoung Instantly Abandons Disguised Toast and Sykkuno

Miyoung, Disguised Toast and Sykkuno were playing Elden Ring

Disguised Toast has managed to convince most of OfflineTV and their friends to hop on and play the game Elden Ring, this includes Miyoung. The is made by the developers of the infamous game dark souls and is designed to be Souls-like as well. Previous Souls games only allowed for players to interact passively through the bloodstain mechanics, but Elden Ring allows for co-op gameplay which is letting it define itself among other games. This also results in hilarious moments where one person abandons the team and runs away.

Read: Find out how much Disguised Toast was willing to play to someone who killed the Tree Sentinel here!

What were the three of them doing?

Miyoung abandoned Sykkuno and Toast to the boss
Miyoung abandoned Sykkuno and Toast to the boss

Toast, Sykkuno and Miyoung were getting into position to face the first boss of the game, the Tree Sentinel. It was clear that she had no weapons on her and would most likely be of no help. Sykkuno and Toast got into the bushes to ambush the boss while she kept running around the map

Read: Find out what Disguised Toast did to shock Miyoung here!

What did Miyoung do?

YouTube video

“Well Miyoung definitely cannot die” Toast said as Sykkuno charged in with a battle cry. Both of them unleashed all kinds of attacks on the boss slowly whittling down its health. “She isn’t helping! She’s just chilling” Sykkuno said just after which he was killed by the Tree Sentinel which made Toast screaming ‘I am the Elden Lord!’ to bolster their spirits

Read: Find out why AriaSaki was screaming uncontrollably here!