“Took so long to kick in” Disguised Toast on Lilypichu’s Agonizing betrayal

“Took so long to kick in” Disguised Toast on Lilypichu’s Agonizing betrayal

Disguised Toast was 'betrayed' by LilyPichu

Disguised Toast finally received a DMCA strike after an extremely long run trying to stream anime on his Twitch channel. It started with ‘Oturan’ (What he called Naruto) and after he was tired of Oturan he switched to Death note. This was when he was finally hit with a DMCA strike which might have much more of a story behind it than one presumes. Sepcifically it might have something to do with his fellow OfflineTV member LilyPichu.

Read: Find out why Disguised Toast was anxious on his 118th episode of Naruto here!

Why was Disguised Toast handed a DMCA strike?

As the old SAS saying goes “Who dares wins”, Toast took this to heart a bit too much and he decided to stream anime on his channel. As Twitch was ruthlessly handing out DMCA bans, Toast didn’t care and continued streaming. After his fellow streamer, Pokimane was issued a DMCA strike Toast decided to continue streaming Death Note to stand in solidarity with his fellow OfflineTV member. In the end, even a brave warrior such as Toast was struck down.

Lilypichu had something to do with Toast’s DMCA strike

Read: Find out how Disguised Toast dealt with Miyoung’s second gift here!

How did LilyPichu betray Toast?

On his stream Toast exposed LilyPichu. “I drop an Ay Bruh” he said then stated that she dropped a “Sup” in response. “I’m gonna need you to DMCA strike me” Toast said, casually asking Lily to betray him and further requesting her to keep this between the Both of them.

Lily obviously confused by Toast’s request asked him the reason behind it. “To scare people from watching anime” Toast replied to her after which Lily laughed and obliged his request. “Took so long to Kick in” Disguised Toast said referencing that his request took almost a week to come through.


Read: Find out more details about Disguised Toast’s Twitch ban here!