Twitch streamer Maya rage quits stream following a taunt from one of her viewers

Image Credits: Maya/ Twitch
American conservationist Maya Higa who returned to Twitch streaming following a hiatus of two months due to the Adrianah Lee controversy, was forced to quit her stream in the middle as she reportedly took offense to a taunt that was sent by one of her viewers. From her expression, it was evident that the streamer didn’t wish to entertain such trolls.
Maya’s recent Twitch stream ended on an abrupt note when she was seen streaming from the kitchen and cooking a dish. Eventually, her chat asked her to check her phone, which she did in no time, only to see a picture of an animated character ‘Arthur’.
One of her viewers sent this picture to the streamer in an attempt to mock her, as she was wearing an outfit that had an eerie similarity with the character. The 24-year-old creator was donning a yellow crop and a jeans that was similar to the color of outfit worn by the animated character.
While the viewer might have sent it to the streamer as a way to show how they looked completely similar to each other. On the flip side, Maya Higa didn’t take this ‘mockery’ quite well as she stated, “Oh…yeah, whatever, I’m ending (the stream)…Good bye”, after she showed the picture on her livestream.
Maya returned to streaming post a two-month break

Maya Higa found herself in hot waters when her name was taken by fellow streamer Adrianah Lee along with Mizkif, as she stated that both of them were responsible for downplaying the whole harassment situation as they compelled her to state that it was not a se*ual assault, when it was, in reality.
Following this revelation, the animal conservationist decided to host a stream to clear some aspects, which she felt were necessary. However, she clearly stated that she needs a break from streaming. A couple of months later, she joined back on the platform while explaining that she plans to make a lot of changes on her content now.
Even though she has now become active on Twitch streaming, fans have noticed a lot of changes on her content as well as her secondary channel, Alveus Sanctuary which is a channel based on a NGO meant for wildlife preservation.
It was quite surprising to see the streamer ending her broadcast after being offended by the comparison, as her fans will agree to the fact that the streamer rarely lost her cool while she streams on her channel.
Redditors react to the clip
The streamer’s clip quickly became a viral one on r/livestreamfails as most of the Redditors agreed that the comparison was justifed, they even commented that if she wore the glasses, her look would have been complete.
Maya is one of the most famous female Twitch streamers who enjoys a decent popularity in the streaming industry. She used to date Mizkif once but the duo have completely cut off ties with each other.