Valorant Agents: Top 5 ultimate abilities
Every agent has their nuances in Valorant and plays differently in the game

Valorant is a unique FPS game where you have to pick a character and play around with its abilities. Each valiant agent has different abilities, which make every agent very unique. There is one signature ability that you get for free and 2 other regular abilities that you have to buy after using them in rounds. In addition to these 3 abilities, agents also have an ultimate skill. You need to charge for this ability before you can use it.
You get one point for killing enemies or getting killed by them. There are also 2 ultimate orbs lying int the map (4 in case of Fracture). Each orb will give you one 1 ultimate point. Ultimates are quite powerful abilities and can even turn losing rounds in your favor. There are 21 agents in Valorant. Some agents’ ultimate ability is straight-up better than others.
Valorant will soon get its 22nd agent. Until devs reveal its kit, here are the top 5 ultimate abilities of current agents in Valorant.
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Best Ults in Valorant
5. Lockdown: Killjoy’s Ultimate Ability

Killjoy is currently the preferred sentinel agent after Chamber’s nerf. Killjoy can hold a site on its own and can delay a push, which will give your teammates enough time to rotate. In addition to her basic site abilities, KJ’s Ultimate Lockdown is among the best utilities in the game. Any enemy who remains in Lockdown’s area gets detained and cannot use any abilities or weapons at all. Their movement speed is also reduced. Lockdown is a great tool for retaking sites or stalling enemies post-plant. The only downside to this ability is that agents like Brimstone, Breach, Kay/O, Sova, and Raze can destroy it, so you have to place it precisely.
4. Blade Storm: Jett’s Ultimate Ability

Jett is a top-tier duelist. Her mobility makes her very slippery and she can quickly break into sites. Her dash and smoke combo is still great for taking space. On top of that, her ultimate Blade Storm is a great weapon-based ultimate ability. She pulls out 5 knives which refresh after picking a frag. The best thing about the Blade Storm is that it is not affected by Jett’s movement. It means Jett can run or fly around and will her knives will still be precise. It also helps in managing your economy as you can use your ult in the save rounds. However, the skill sealing for this ultimate is quite high. You need above-average aim to use this ult at its full potential. Players like Tenz, Yay, Derke, F0rsaken, etc. are among the best Jett players in Valorant.
3. NULL/CMD: KAY/O’s Ultimate Ability

KAY/O is the most unique agent in the Valorant. This robot from the future has the ability to suppress the enemies and forces them to only use their weapons. His signature ability, Zero/Point is a knife that he can throw and can suppress everyone that comes in its radius. His ultimate, NULL/CMD, lets KAY/O emit pulses which when hit suppress enemies. So basically, KAY/O changes the Valorant match into a CS: GO match for other players. It also gives KAY/O firing rate buff. If you shoot down KAY/O while he’s in his ult, he will not die instead he will be knocked out with 850 HP. His teammates can pick him up before time runs out. It is great for stalling in defense whereas when attacking it disables KJ and Cypher’s setup which you can destroy.
2. Viper’s Pit: Viper’s Ultimate Ability

Viper was the must-pick agent on the Breeze, but after Breeze’s exit Viper has a somewhat limited role. She is very tricky to use on maps like Haven or Ascent and other controllers like Omen and Brimstone are better on this map. However, Viper shines on Icebox and to some extent on Fracture. Her ultimate Viper’s Pit is a huge poison cloud that decays enemies’ health inside it. It serves as a great tool to take space after post-plant and almost guarantees you the round while attacking. In defending you can ult on some choke points or entrances to stop enemies’ push. You can also ult on a bomb site while defending and make attackers fight with lowered health in your ult. It is advised to keep shorty or judge while in ult as it will deal great damage while in ult.
1. Tour De Force: Chamber’s Ultimate Ability

Chamber a few months ago was the best agent in the game. He was so overpowered that the community and devs felt that he is toxic to the game and need some tuning. So, the devs nerfed him hard to the extent that he’s not even the best agent in his own class, let alone in the game. Even after getting nerf to the ground, Chamber has the best ultimate ability in Valorant. His ult gives him a sniper which is the best weapon in the game. It helps Chamber to manage his economy better and he can shift the momentum with a snap of his finger. Chamber’s Tour De Force and Headhunter combo is very powerful. You can shoot with your sniper and can pull out Headhunter instantaneously if you miss your sniper shot. Chamber is still a good agent if you know how to play him properly on certain maps.
Honorable Mentions
- Phoenix’s Run It Back
- Breach’s Rolling Thunder
- Sova’s Hunter’s
- Raze’s Showstopper
- Fade’s Nightfall
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