Foden, Greenwood dropped from England squad for breaching COVID-19 protocol


Footballers Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood have been dropped from the England national team after meeting two girls at their hotel room in Iceland on Sunday in a breach of Covid-19 protocols. Both have been sent back to England.
The incident, which happened after England’s 1-0 win over Iceland in the Nations League, is now the subject of an investigation by the Football Association of England. The body has apologised to Iceland authorities.
Foden and Greenwood were also fined by the local police. They will have to serve the required quarantine period, as mandated by Covid-19 guidelines, before joining their respective clubs, Manchester City and Manchester United.
Foden, who plays as a midfielder, tweeted: “Following the story which has emerged today regarding my actions in Iceland, I want to make a full apology.”
“I apologise to Gareth Southgate, to my England team-mates, to the staff, supporters, and also to my club and my family,” added the 20-year old. He added: “When I was called up by Gareth for these games, my first reaction was that of immense pride. To pull on that shirt for the senior team in my England debut was an incredible privilege.”
Southgate disappointed with both youngsters

“I am a young player with a lot to learn, but I am aware of the huge responsibility I have in representing Manchester City and England at this level“. “I breached Covid-19 protocols put in place to protect myself and my England colleagues. As a consequence,I will now miss the opportunity to travel to Denmark with the squad, and that hurts,” he added.
Striker Greenwood, meanwhile, said: “Having now had the chance to reflect on what’s happened, I can only apologise to everyone for the embarrassment I have caused.”
“It was irresponsible of me to break the COVID-19 protocols which are in place to protect players, staff and the public
,” added the 18-year-old.
England manager Southgate also expressed his disappointment. “They have got responsibilities and they have apologised,” he said. “What is clear is that there was a breach of the coronavirus guidelines. We spent such a long time getting those measures in place – the whole squad followed that together.”
“It is a very serious situation and we have treated it that way. Obviously, they have been naive, we have dealt with it appropriately,” he added.
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