Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons

Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons

Fortnite Recon Scanner is one of the new weapons introduced in its season 7 along with the Invasion and alien theme gameplay. The Recon Scanner is a Rare Explosive Weapon in Fortnite: Battle Royale. 

The Fortnite Recon Scanner launches a recon bolt that marks nearby enemies and chests. The article speaks about the locations and details surrounding the Fortnite Recon Scanner.

Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons
Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons

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Fortnite Recon Scanner

The Recon Scanner is the latest addition alongside new weapons like the Rail gun and is a two-round grenade launcher that shoots a blue projectile that emits a spherical field that marks nearby chests, wildlife, players, and vehicles. The field stays active for 15 seconds, before disappearing. When the spherical field disappears, the blue projectile blinks red for a few moments before disappearing along with it. The projectiles also do very low player and structure damage.

Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons
Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons

The Recon Scanner deals 5 damage per shot and does not use ammo, instead, it regenerates ammo up to a maximum of 2 storage. and has a headshot multiplier of 1.2x. It “Launches a recon bolt that marks nearby enemies and chests.”

Reload Time3.6 seconds
Magazine Size2
Fire Rate3
YouTube video

Since it is a rare item, the Recon Scanner will be available almost everywhere in Fortnite that loot can be found, including in chests, on the floor, Air Drops, and more. The Recon Scanner can be used as a weapon, however, it is largely ineffective due to its low damage. The Recon Scanner’s better use is to locate opponents.

While the Recon Scanner Launcher may look like a generic grenade launcher, this hefty gun does more than just high amounts of damage and reveals nearby targets and chests. Since these are common weapons, there aren’t fixed spots to look for them but here are two best ways to get them:

  • Inside IO Chests in IO bases
  • Loot from IO Guards
Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons
Fortnite Recon Scanner: Season 7 New Weapons

If players can hit your opponent, combining this with the rail gun’s ability to shoot through walls can give you a starting health advantage. This makes it extremely useful in squad play when you wish to provide your team with huge amounts of information on the enemy teams that lurk around the map.

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