Fortnite Spray Cans Location: Where To Collect Spray Cans

Fortnite Spray Cans Location: Where To Collect Spray Cans

Fortnite Spray Cans Location: Fortnite chapter 2 Season 7 has started and new challenges are coming out every week new week 2 challenges have dropped in a bit early than expected. The legendary challenges for week 2 will be rolling out today and players are excited to finish the challenges and unlock the rewards of Battlepass.

Fortnite week 2 epic challenges have started, so one challenge is collecting spray cans on the map to get an easy 39,000 XP. There is a total of 8 cans and you need only 2 cans and it should be collected only from warehouses in Dirty Docks or garages in Pleasant Park.

Where to collect Fortnite spray cans and location?

Fortnite Spray Cans
Image Credits: Forbes

In the pleasant park you its very easy to find the spray cans as its all located in Garages as shown in the image.

FS Video
Fortnite Spray Cans
Image Credits: Forbes

When it comes to dirty docks it’s a bit tricky but not difficult, as it’s all warehouses and there will be many places to search inside the house. You will have to see on the shelves, walls, and toolboxes. As this is the beginning, Fortnite will come with more challenging challenges where the location will not be revealed. These challenges don,t need much effort to search and complete.

Related: Fortnite Season 7 Week 2 Legendary Quests: How to Complete New Challenges

Here are the list of all Legendary challenges for week 2:

  • Interact with a Dead Drop in Weeping Woods (1) – 45,000 XP
  • Step Onto a Body Scanner (1) – 30,000 XP
  • Converse with Rick Sanchez, Rook, Marigold, Maven, or Special Forces (3) – 30,000 XP
  • Deal Damage with IO Tech Weapons (200) – 30,000 XP
  • Damage an IO Guard (1) – 30,000 XP

While most of these quests are pretty simple to end, like interacting with a dead drop in Weeping Woods or stepping into a body scanner, these might take up a player’s time and they have to enter multiple games to complete these. To converse with Rick Sanchez, Rook, Marigold, Maven, or Special Forces is pretty easy as players will have to simply find the locations and interact.

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