How many HOLE-IN-ONEs have Tiger Woods scored?

How many HOLE-IN-ONEs have Tiger Woods scored?

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is synonymous with golf, there’s no doubt about it. The elegant veteran has his sway over millions of people throughout the world. From making waves in junior golf to debuting as a teenager and then finally making the game his own, Tiger has been magnanimous throughout his career and just wowed us with his sublime gameplay.

Tiger has numerous titles and records to his name but there’s one aspect where he may feel that he got left behind – his ‘hole-in-one’ numbers. Well, that may be the case for Tiger as he has set high standards for him, but for us, Tiger has hit a lot of holes-in-one although it still doesn’t quite get close to the record.

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In the current scenario, Tiger has 20 aces to his name throughout his professional career. Yeah, not bad is it? But there’s a catch to it and Woods would certainly not like it because of his tendency to always remain at the top. PGA puts the all time-record of aces at 45 attributing it to Art Wall. For non-PGA players, this number goes beyond 50. Well, let’s just stick to PGA Tour for this instance.

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From his first to last, Tiger Woods always has an ace up his sleeve

Tiger Woods - Credits: IMAGO / UPI Photo
Tiger Woods – Credits: IMAGO / UPI Photo

With a total of 20 aces in his star-studded career, Tiger surely has jacked up a good number when we compare it to other legends of the game. Jack Nicklaus with 20, Arnold Palmer with 21, and the great Ben Hogan with just 2, it’s clear that Woods definitely has performed better than most legends. With his first ace coming at 6 years old back in 1982 at California’s Heartwell Golf Course, Tiger has come a long way in entertaining the golfing world.

With only 3 of his 20 career aces coming in PGA Tour tournaments, Woods hit his vast majority of holes-in-one in tournaments outside PGA’s scope. One might wonder, what would be the actual number if all his aces during practice and friendly’s are brought into the foray, just for number’s sake? Well, looking at Tiger’s talent and poise, it surely must be over the three-figure mark, though we’ll never know.

His last ace came back in 2018, again at California’s Madison Club in La Quinta. Engaging in a friendly game alongside his son Charlie, and Fred Couples, Woods hit a mammoth 200 yards+ hole-in-one with his 5-iron. Woods recalled that he hit an ace for the first time in almost two decades. Currently battling with his injury issues, Woods is set to return at the end of this year and we certainly hope that he adds to his tally of aces.

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