How to call in Pegasus vehicles in GTA 5

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Pegasus is a lifestyle management service in GTA 5. Essentially, they can deliver any purchased vehicle that cannot be stored in a garage or hangar of any sort nearby for a small delivery fee. These vehicles are not insured and thus coverage need not be paid on these. If destroyed, a new one can be spawned in. This article shows the different steps to spawn Pegasus Vehicles in GTA 5.

Related: GTA 5 all CEO Vehicles.
How to call in Pegasus vehicles in GTA 5:

Step 1: Open the in-game smartphone.
Step 2: Navigate to the ‘contacts‘ app.
Step 3: Call the ‘Pegasus’ contact.
Step 4: Select the required vehicle to be spawned.
Step 5: The spawned vehicle is marked on the map and a delivery fee is deducted.
Also Read: Top 3 best places for car meets in GTA 5.