How to do Sightseer in GTA 5: A guide to the popular VIP Work

VIP Work is was added to GTA 5 in the executives and other criminals update. Since then, it has remained a very overlooked set of missions. They are helpful to earn little money when waiting out business cooldowns. They help to give a little boost to the money grind. They usually appear on most money grind schedules out there. Sightseer continues to be one of the most popular VIP Work missions due to how straightforward it is. This article explains everything you need to know about the popular GTA 5 Vip Work Sightseer.

Related: VIP Challenges and VIP Work in GTA Online: Explained.
How to do Sightseer in GTA 5: A guide to the popular VIP Work:

To start the Sightseer VIP Work, open the interaction menu and register as a CEO. After this, again open the interaction menu, scroll to the VIP Work menu, and select the Sightseer option. This starts the Sightseer mission. In sightseer, players must hack the network to trace the location of 3 different briefcases and collect them before the time runs out. The three different hacks are:
1. Hackconnect:

This hack is used to find the IP Address of the network. The player is given an 8×10 grid of moving numbers. Out of these numbers, the player must select the matching IP Address given on his screen. If failed to do so, the player loses a chance. 5 chances are given to match the number within the time limit after which the numbers change. On successfully finding the IP address, the location of a briefcase is revealed.
2. Data Crack:

The Data Crack is a fairly simple hack to reveal the location of a briefcase. In it, players must carefully align a set of 8 moving blocks along the red line on the centre of the screen. If the player feels to do so continuously, the hack resets forcing the player to start from scratch.
3. BruteForce:

This hack is a password cracker and contains the password of the network marked by 8 different characters in red. These characters are then thrown into a bunch of different letters across 8 different slots. The player must choose all the red letters from a list of scrolling characters. When all 8 characters are successfully selected, the location of a briefcase appears on the minimap.
Also Read: GTA 5: How to unlock ‘A Stratlet in Vinewood’ mission.